After section 50--
'(1) This section provides for the constitution of the commission for a conference in relation to a relevant person for an agency notice if the commissioner considers it is unlikely that an income management decision will be made for the conference.
'(2) For the conference, the commission may be constituted by 3 local commissioners appointed for the welfare reform community area in which the commissioner considers the person the subject of the conference lives or lived.
'(3) The local commissioners mentioned in subsection (2) are to be nominated by a local registry coordinator, and appointed by the commissioner, under section 51.
'(4) The commissioner must nominate one of the local commissioners to be the chairperson of the commission for the conference.
'(5) The chairperson is to preside at the conference.
'If the commission is constituted under section 50A for a conference, the commissioner must monitor the decision of the commission for the conference for consistency of the decision with other decisions of the commission when constituted under section 50 or 50A.'.