(1) Section 235(1) and (2)—
(2) Section 235(5)(a) and (b)—
omit, insert—
'(a) a councillor; or
(b) the chief executive officer; or'.
(3) Section 235(5)—
'(e) an interim administrator.'.
(4) Section 235(6) and (7), '(3)'—
omit, insert—
(5) Section 235(3) to (7)—
renumber as section 235(1) to (5).
(6) Section 235—
'(6) A joint local government, or any member of the joint local government, is not civilly liable for an act done under this Act, or omission made under this Act, honestly and without negligence.
'(7) If subsection (6) prevents civil liability attaching to a member of a joint local government, liability attaches instead to the local government for which the member is a councillor.'.