Queensland Numbered Acts
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1 I
1.1. P
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Main purposes
Part 1.2 Interpretation
Division 1--Dictionary
4. Definitions
Division 2--Meaning of various terms
5. Terms relating to lawyers
6. Terms relating to legal practitioners
7. Terms relating to associates and principals of law practices
8. Home jurisdiction
9. Suitability matters
10. Information notices
11. References to convictions for offences
12. Meaning of government legal officer and engaged in government work and related matters
Division 3
urisdiction Of
ourt and related matters
13. Inherent jurisdiction of Supreme Court
14. Jurisdiction of Supreme Court
15. Appeal period for appeal to Supreme Court or tribunal
16. Hearing and deciding particular action without a jury
Division 4--Other interpretation matters
17. Notes in text may indicate difference to language in corresponding law
18. Timing for doing things
19. Grounds that are reasonable in the circumstances
20. References to parts in this Act
Part 2.1 Preliminary
21. Simplified overview of ch 2
art 2.2
eservation Of Legal Work
Division 1--Preliminary
22. Main purposes for pt 2.2
23. Part does not apply to a person if authorised under a Commonwealth law or a government legal officer
Division 2--Prohibitions
24. Prohibition on engaging in legal practice when not entitled
25. Prohibition on representing or advertising entitlement to engage in legal practice when not entitled
26. Associates who are disqualified or convicted persons
Division 3--General
27. Professional discipline
art 2.3
dmission Of local Lawyers
Division 1--Preliminary
28. Main purposes of pt 2.3
29. Definitions for pt 2.3
Division 2--Eligibility and suitability for admission
30. Eligibility for admission to the legal profession under this Act
31. Suitability for admission
32. Early consideration of suitability
33. Involvement of Supreme Court whether by referral or on appeal
Division 3--Admission to the legal profession under this Act
34. Application for admission to the legal profession
35. Role of Supreme Court relating to application for admission
36. Conditions
37. Roll of persons admitted to the legal profession as a lawyer
38. Local lawyer is officer of Supreme Court
Division 4--Powers and functions of board
39. Role of the board relating to application for admission
40. Consideration of applicant's eligibility and suitability
Division 5--Miscellaneous
41. Board may appear before Supreme Court
42. Fees payable
art 2.4
egal Practice by
ustralian Legal Practitioners
Division 1--Preliminary
43. Main purposes of pt 2.4
Division 2--Legal practice in this jurisdiction by Australian legal practitioners
44. Entitlement to practise in this jurisdiction
Division 3--Local practising certificates generally
45. Local practising certificates generally
46. Suitability to hold local practising certificate
47. Duration of local practising certificates
48. Local legal practitioner is officer of Supreme Court
Division 4--Grant or renewal of local practising certificates
49. Application for grant or renewal of local practising certificate
50. Manner of application
51. Grant or renewal of local practising certificate
Division 5--Conditions on local practising certificates
52. Conditions generally
53. Conditions imposed by law society or bar association
54. Applications relating to conditions
55. Statutory condition regarding conditions imposed on interstate admission
56. Statutory condition regarding practice as solicitor
57. Statutory condition regarding notification of offence
58. Compliance with conditions
Division 6--Amendment, suspension or cancellation of local practising certificates
59. Application of this division
60. Grounds for amending, suspending or cancelling a local practising certificate
61. Amending, suspending or cancelling a local practising certificate
62. Operation of amendment, suspension or cancellation of local practising certificate
63. Immediate amendment or suspension of local practising certificate
64. Removal from local roll
65. Consensual amendment or cancellation etc.
66. Relationship of div 6 with ch 6
Division 7 Special powers in relation to local practising certificates--show cause events
67. Application for local practising certificate if show cause event happened after first admission
68. Requirement if show cause event
69. Refusal, amendment, suspension or cancellation of local practising certificate because of failure to show cause
70. Restriction on making further application
71. Relationship of div 7 with ch 6
Division 8--Further provisions relating to local practising certificate
72. Surrender and cancellation of local practising certificate
73. Return of local practising certificate
Division 9--Interstate legal practitioners
74. Requirement for interstate practising certificate and professional indemnity insurance
75. Extent of entitlement of interstate legal practitioner to practise in this jurisdiction
76. Additional condition on interstate legal practitioner engaging in legal practice in this jurisdiction
77. Special provision about interstate legal practitioner engaging in unsupervised legal practice in this jurisdiction
78. Interstate legal practitioner is officer of Supreme Court
Division 10--Miscellaneous
79. Protocols
80. Consideration of applicant for local practising certificate and certificate holder
81. Register of local practising certificates
82. Supreme Court orders about conditions
83. Regulatory authority may charge reasonable fees
2.5. S
uitability Reports
Division 1--Preliminary
84. Main purpose of pt 2.5
85. Definitions for pt 2.5
Division 2--Police reports
86. Relevant authority may ask for police report
Division 3--Health assessments
87. Health assessment
88. Appointment of health assessor
89. Health assessment report
90. Payment for health assessment and report
91. Use of health assessment report
Division 4--General
92. Confidentiality of suitability report
93. Operation of pt 2.5
2.6. I
nter-jurisdictional Provisions Regarding Admission And Practising Certificates
Division 1--Preliminary
94. Main purpose of pt 2.6
95. Relationship of this part with ch 4
Division 2--Notifications to be given by local authorities to interstate authorities
96. Notification to other jurisdictions about application for admission
97. Notification to other jurisdictions about removal from local roll
98. Law society and bar association to notify other jurisdictions about particular matters
Division 3--Notifications to be given by lawyers to local authorities
99. Lawyer to give notice of removal in another jurisdiction
100. Lawyer to give notice of interstate orders
101. Lawyer to give notice of foreign regulatory action
102. Provisions relating to requirement to notify
Division 4--Taking of action by local authorities in response to notifications received
103. Peremptory removal of local lawyer's name from local roll following removal in another jurisdiction
104. Peremptory cancellation of local practising certificate following removal of name from interstate roll
105. Show cause procedure for removal of lawyer's name from local roll following foreign regulatory action
106. Show cause procedure for cancellation of local practising certificate following foreign regulatory action
107. Order for non-removal of name or non-cancellation of local practising certificate
108. Local authority may give information to other local authority
art 2.7
ncorporated Legal Practices and multi-disciplinary partnerships
Division 1--Preliminary
109. Main purposes of pt 2.7
110. Definitions for pt 2.7
Division 2--Incorporated legal practices providing legal services
111. Nature of incorporated legal practice
112. Non-legal services and businesses of incorporated legal practices
113. Corporations eligible to be incorporated legal practices
114. Notice of intention to start providing legal services
115. Prohibition on corporations or directors etc. representing that corporation is incorporated legal practice
116. Notice of termination of provision of legal services
Division 3--Legal practitioner directors, and other legal practitioners employed by incorporated legal practices
117. Incorporated legal practice must have legal practitioner director
118. Obligations of legal practitioner director relating to misconduct
119. Incorporated legal practice without legal practitioner director
120. Obligations and privileges of an Australian legal practitioner who is an officer or employee
Division 4--Particular matters including application of other provisions of relevant laws
121. Professional indemnity insurance
122. Conflicts of interest
123. Disclosure obligations
124. Effect of non-disclosure on provision of particular services
125. Application of legal profession rules
126. Requirements relating to advertising
127. Extension to incorporated legal practice of vicarious liability relating to failure to account and dishonesty
128. Sharing of receipts, revenue or other income
129. Disqualified persons
Division 5--Ensuring compliance with this Act by incorporated legal practices
130. Commissioner or law society may audit incorporated legal practice
131. Application of chapter 6
132. Banning of incorporated legal practices
133. Disqualification from managing incorporated legal practice
134. Disclosure of information to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Division 6--External administration
135. External administration proceedings under Corporations
136. External administration proceedings under other legislation
137. Incorporated legal practice that is subject to receivership under this Act and external administration under Corporations Act
138. Incorporated legal practice that is subject to receivership under this Act and external administration under other legislation
Division 7--Miscellaneous provisions relating to incorporated legal practices
139. Cooperation between courts
140. Relationship of Act to constitution of incorporated legal practice
141. Relationship of Act to legislation establishing incorporated legal practice
142. Relationship of Act to Corporations legislation and certain other instruments
143. Undue influence
Division 8 M
ulti-disciplinary Partnerships
144. Nature of multi-disciplinary partnership
145. Conduct of multi-disciplinary partnerships
146. Notice of intention to start practice in multi-disciplinary partnership
147. General obligations of legal practitioner partners
148. Obligations of legal practitioner partner relating to misconduct
149. Actions of partner who is not an Australian legal practitioner
150. Obligations and privileges of Australian legal practitioner who is partner or employee
151. Conflicts of interest
152. Disclosure obligations
153. Effect of non-disclosure on provision of particular services
154. Application of legal profession rules
155. Requirements relating to advertising
156. Sharing of receipts, revenue or other income
157. Disqualified persons
158. Prohibition on partnership with particular partner who is not an Australian legal practitioner
159. Undue influence
Division 9--Miscellaneous
160. Obligations of practitioners not affected
161. Regulation
Part 2.8
egal practice by foreign lawyers
Division 1--Preliminary
162. Main purpose of pt 2.8
163. Definitions for pt 2.8
164. This part does not apply to Australian legal practitioners
Division 2 P
ractice Of Foreign Law
165. Requirement for registration
166. Entitlement of Australian-registered foreign lawyer to practise in this jurisdiction
167. Scope of practice
168. Form of practice
169. Application of Australian professional ethical and practice standards
170. Designation
171. Letterhead and other identifying documents
172. Advertising
173. Foreign lawyer employing Australian legal practitioner
174. Trust money and trust accounts
175. Professional indemnity insurance
176. Fidelity cover
Division 3--Local registration of foreign lawyers generally
177. Local registration of foreign lawyers
178. Duration of registration
179. Local registered foreign lawyer is not officer of Supreme Court
Division 4 Application for
Grant Or Renewal Of Local Registration
180. Application for grant or renewal of registration
181. Manner of application
182. Requirements regarding applications for the grant or renewal of registration
Division 5 G
rant Or Renewal Of Registration
183. Grant or renewal of local registration
184. Requirement to grant or renew registration if criteria satisfied
185. Refusal to grant or renew registration
Division 6 A
mendment, suspension or cancellation of Local Registration
186. Application of pt 2.8, div 6
187. Grounds for amending, suspending or cancelling registration
188. Amending, suspending or cancelling registration
189. Operation of amendment, suspension or cancellation of registration
190. Other ways of amending or cancelling registration
191. Relationship of this division with ch 4
Division 7 S
pecial Powers In Relation To Local Registration--show cause events
192. Applicant for local registration—show cause event
193. Locally registered foreign lawyer—show cause event
194. Refusal, amendment, suspension or cancellation of local registration—failure to show cause
195. Restriction on making further applications
196. Relationship of this division with pt 4.6 and ch 6
Division 8 F
urther Provisions Relating To Local Registration
197. Immediate suspension of registration
198. Surrender of local registration certificate and cancellation of registration
199. Automatic cancellation of registration on grant of practising certificate
200. Suspension or cancellation of registration not to affect disciplinary processes
201. Return of local registration certificate on amendment, suspension or cancellation of registration
Division 9 C
onditions on registration
202. Conditions generally
203. Conditions imposed by law society
204. Statutory condition regarding notification of offence
205. Conditions imposed by regulation
206. Compliance with conditions
Division 10 I
nterstate-registered Foreign Lawyers
207. Extent of entitlement of interstate-registered foreign lawyer to practise in this jurisdiction
208. Additional conditions on practice of interstate-registered foreign lawyers
Division 11 M
209. Consideration and investigation of applicants and locally registered foreign lawyers
210. Register of locally registered foreign lawyers
211. Publication of information about locally registered foreign lawyers
212. Supreme Court orders about conditions
213. Exemption by law society
214. Membership of professional association
215. Refund of fees
Part 3.1 Preliminary
216. Simplified outline of ch 3
Part 3.2 Manner of legal practice
Division 1--Preliminary
217. Main purposes of pt 3.2
218. Definitions for pt 3.2
Division 2--Rules for Australian legal practitioners and other individuals
219. Rules for Australian legal practitioners engaged in practice as solicitors and others
220. Rules for Australian legal practitioners engaged in practice in the manner of barristers
221. Legal profession rules may provide for application to government legal officers
222. Subject matter of legal profession rules
223. Public notice of proposed legal profession rules
Division 3--Rules for incorporated legal practices and multi-disciplinary partnerships
224. Rules
Division 4--Notice about making of legal professional rules and role of committee
225. Minister to give notice of solicitors and barristers rules
226. Monitoring role of committee
Division 5--General provisions for legal profession rules
227. Binding nature of legal profession rules
228. Legal profession rules may prohibit practices relating to mortgage financing
229. Relationship of legal profession rules to this Act and regulation
230. Availability of rules
Division 6--Administration rules
231. Rules other than legal profession rules
232. Indemnity rules
233. Relationship of administration rules to this Act and regulation
234. Relationship between legal profession rules and administration rules
235. Availability of administration rules
Part 3.3 Trust money and trust accounts
Division 1--Preliminary
236. Main purposes of pt 3.3
237. Definitions for pt 3.3
238. Money involved in financial services or investments
239. Decisions about status of money
240. Application of part to law practices and trust money
241. Protocols for deciding where trust money is received
242. When money is received
243. Discharge by legal practitioner associate of obligations of law practice
244. Liability of principals of law practice
245. Former practices, principals and associates
246. Barristers not to receive trust money
Division 2--Trust accounts and trust money
247. Keeping general trust account
248. Certain trust money to be deposited in general trust account
249. Holding, disbursing and accounting for trust money
250. Withdrawing trust money from general trust account
251. Controlled money
252. Withdrawing controlled money from controlled money account
253. Transit money
254. Trust money subject to specific powers
255. Trust money received in the form of cash
256. Protection of trust money
257. Intermixing money
258. Dealing with trust money—legal costs and unclaimed money
259. Deficiency in trust account
260. Reporting certain irregularities and suspected irregularities
261. Keeping trust records
262. False names
Division 3--Investigations
263. Investigations
264. Investigator's report
265. When costs of investigation are debt
266. Law society or commissioner may give information to professional accounting association
Division 4--External examinations
267. Appointment and qualifications of external examiner
268. Law practice must have trust records externally examined
269. Restriction on appointment of associates as external examiner
270. Law practice to give notice of external examiner
271. Notice if person stops being external examiner
272. Examination of affairs in examining trust records
273. Carrying out external examination
274. External examiner's report on external examination
275. External examiner to give other reports
276. Final examination of trust records
277. Law practice liable for costs of examination
278. Disqualification of person as external examiner
279. Offence about carrying on external examination
Division 5--Provisions relating to ADIs
280. Approval of ADIs
281. ADIs not subject to certain obligations and liabilities
282. Reports, records and information
Division 6--Prescribed accounts and Legal Practitioner Interest on Trust Accounts Fund
Subdivision 1--Preliminary
283. Main purposes of pt 3.3, div 6
284. Definitions for pt 3.3, div 6
Subdivision 2--Prescribed accounts
285. Regulation for prescribed account
286. Deposits to prescribed account
Subdivision 3--Interest on trust accounts paid to department
287. Arrangement with financial institution
Subdivision 4--Legal Practitioner Interest on Trust Accounts Fund
288. Establishment of fund
289. Payments from fund
290. Minister to decide distribution
291. Submission of budgets
Division 7--Miscellaneous
292. Restrictions on receipt of trust money
293. Application of Act to incorporated legal practices and multi-disciplinary partnerships
294. Disclosure to clients—money not received or held as trust money
295. Disclosure of accounts used to hold money entrusted to legal practitioners
296. Report about law society's functions
297. Report about law practice
298. Regulation-making power relating to trust money and trust accounts
Part 3.4 Costs disclosure and assessment
Division 1--Preliminary
299. Main purposes of pt 3.4
300. Definitions for pt 3.4
301. Terms relating to third party payers
Division 2--Application of this part
302. Application of part—first instructions rule
303. Part also applies by agreement or at client's election
304. Displacement of part
305. How and where does a client first instruct a law practice
306. When does a matter have a substantial connection with this jurisdiction
307. What happens when different laws apply to a matter
Division 3--Costs disclosure
308. Disclosure of costs to clients
309. Disclosure if another law practice is to be retained
310. How and when must disclosure be made to a client
311. Exceptions to requirement for disclosure
312. Additional disclosure—settlement of litigious matters
313. Additional disclosure—uplift fees
314. Form of disclosure
315. Ongoing obligation to disclose
316. Effect of failure to disclose
317. Progress reports
318. Disclosure to associated third party payers
Division 4--Legal costs generally
319. On what basis are legal costs recoverable
320. Security for legal costs
321. Interest on unpaid legal costs
Division 5--Costs agreements
322. Making costs agreements
323. Conditional costs agreements
324. Conditional costs agreements involving uplift fees
325. Contingency fees are prohibited
326. Effect of costs agreement
327. Particular costs agreements are void
328. Setting aside costs agreements
Division 6--Billing
329. Legal costs can not be recovered unless bill has been served
330. Bills
331. Notification of client's rights
332. Request for itemised bill
333. Interim bills
Division 7--Costs assessment
334. Definition for div 7
335. Application by clients or third party payers for costs assessment
336. Application for costs assessment by law practice retaining another law practice
337. Application for costs assessment by law practice giving bill
338. Consequences of application
339. Persons to be notified of application
340. Assessment of complying costs agreements
341. Criteria for assessment
342. Costs of assessment
343. Referral for disciplinary action
344. Contracting out of div 7 by sophisticated clients etc.
Division 8--Speculative personal injury claims
345. Main purpose of div 8
346. Definitions for div 8
347. Maximum payment for conduct of speculative personal injury claim
Division 9--Miscellaneous
348. Application of part to incorporated legal practices and multi-disciplinary partnerships
349. Imputed acts, omission or knowledge
350. Preservation of confidentiality
351. Preservation of privilege
352. Ordinary protection and immunity allowed
Part 3.5 Professional indemnity insurance
353. Professional indemnity insurance
354. Continuing obligation for professional indemnity insurance
Part 3.6 Fidelity cover
Division 1--Preliminary
355. Main purpose of pt 3.6
356. Definitions for pt 3.6
357. Application of pt 3.6
358. Time of default
Division 2--Fidelity fund
359. Establishment of fidelity fund
360. Insurance
361. Limitation on borrowing powers of law society for fidelity fund
362. Fund to be kept in separate account
363. Moneys payable into fidelity fund
364. Expenditure from fund
365. Audit of accounts
366. Law society may delegate its powers in relation to the fidelity fund to a committee of management
367. Minister may require report about fund
368. Contribution to fidelity fund
369. Levy for benefit of fidelity fund
370. Law society may advance moneys from its general funds to fidelity fund
Division 3--Defaults to which this part applies
371. Meaning of relevant jurisdiction
372. Defaults to which this part applies
373. Defaults relating to financial services or investments
Division 4--Claims about defaults
374. Claims about defaults
375. Time limit for making claims
376. Advertisements
377. Time limit for making claims following advertisement
378. Claims not affected by certain matters
379. Investigation of claims
380. Advance payments
Division 5--Deciding claims
381. Law society to decide claim
382. Maximum amount allowable
383. Costs
384. Interest
385. Reduction of claim because of other benefits
386. Subrogation
387. Proceedings brought under right of subrogation
388. Repayment of surplus amount
389. Notification of delay in making decision
390. Notification of decision
Division 6--Right of action against external examiner
391. External examiner guilty of neglect
Division 7--Appeals
392. Appeal against decision on claim
393. Appeal against failure to decide claim within 1 year
394. Proceedings on appeal
Division 8--Payments from fidelity fund for defaults
395. Payments for defaults
396. Caps on payments
397. Sufficiency of fidelity fund
Division 9--Claims by law practices or associates
398. Claims by law practices or associates about defaults
399. Claims by law practices or associates about notional defaults
Division 10--Defaults involving interstate elements
400. Concerted interstate defaults
401. Defaults involving interstate elements if committed by 1 associate only
Division 11--Inter-jurisdictional provisions
402. Protocols
403. Forwarding claims to corresponding authority in another jurisdiction
404. Investigation of defaults to which this part applies
405. Investigation of defaults to which a corresponding law applies
406. Investigation of concerted interstate defaults and other defaults involving interstate elements
407. Recommendations by law society to corresponding authority
408. Recommendations to and decisions by law society after receiving recommendations from corresponding authority
409. Request to another jurisdiction to investigate aspects of claim
410. Request from another jurisdiction to investigate aspects of claim
411. Cooperation with other authorities
Division 12--Miscellaneous
412. Interstate legal practitioner becoming authorised to withdraw from local trust account
413. Application of part to incorporated legal practices
414. Application of part to multi-disciplinary partnerships
415. Application of part to Australian lawyers whose practising certificates have lapsed
art 4.1
416. Main purposes of ch 4
417. Application of chapter to lawyers, former lawyers and former practitioners
Part 4.2 Key concepts
418. Meaning of unsatisfactory professional conduct
419. Meaning of professional misconduct
420. Conduct capable of constituting unsatisfactory professional conduct or professional misconduct
421. Meaning of respondent
Part 4.3 Application of this chapter
422. Practitioners to whom this chapter applies
423. Conduct to which this chapter applies—generally
424. Conduct to which this chapter applies—insolvency, serious offences and tax offences
425. Chapter also applies to law practice employees
426. Chapter also extends to other persons in particular circumstances
427. Chapter also applies to unlawful operators
4. 4 Complaints about Australian legal practitioners
428. Conduct about which complaint may be made
429. Making a complaint
430. Complaints made over 3 years after conduct concerned
431. Further information and verification
432. Summary dismissal of complaints
433. Withdrawal of complaints
434. Commissioner may delay dealing with complaint
435. Referral by commissioner to law society or bar association
436. Commissioner investigating a complaint or investigation matter
437. Australian lawyer to be notified of complaint or investigation matter
438. Submissions by respondent
439. Role of law society or bar association
4. 5 Mediation for complaints involving consumer dispute
440. Definition for pt 4.5
441. Mediation of complaint involving consumer dispute solely
442. Mediation of hybrid complaint
Part 4.6 Investigations
443. Powers for investigations
444. Referral of costs for assessment
445. Regulation may provide for covering cost of assessment under s 443 or 444
446. Powers of commissioner relating to complaint or investigation matter relating to unlawful operator
Art 4.7
Decision of commissioner
447. Decision of commissioner to start proceeding under ch 4
448. Dismissal of complaint
449. Record of decision
Part 4.8 General procedural matters
450. Duty to deal with complaints efficiently and expeditiously
451. Duty to inform complainant about action taken for complaint
Part 4.9 Proceedings in disciplinary body
452. Starting proceeding before a disciplinary body
453. Hearings
454. Joinder
455. Variation of discipline application
456. Decisions of tribunal about an Australian legal practitioner
457. Orders to be filed in Supreme Court and information notices to be given to parties etc.
458. Decisions of committee about discipline application
459. Orders to be filed in Supreme Court and information notices to be given to parties etc.
460. Interlocutory and interim orders
461. Compliance with decisions and orders
462. Costs
463. Other remedies not affected
4. 10 Compensation orders
464. Meaning of compensation order
465. Compensation order relating to pecuniary loss
466. Effect of compensation order
467. Other remedies not affected
4. 10A Appeals from decisions of disciplinary bodies
468. Appeal may be made to Court of Appeal from tribunal's decision
469. Appeal to tribunal against committee's decision
470. Appeal to Court of Appeal in relation to a decision of committee
4. 11 Publicising disciplinary action
471. Definition for pt 4.11
472. Discipline register
473. Other means of publicising disciplinary action
474. Quashing of disciplinary action
475. Liability for publicising disciplinary action
476. Disciplinary action taken because of infirmity, injury or illness
477. General provisions about disclosure of information
4.12. Inter-jurisdictional provisions
478. Protocols
479. Request to another jurisdiction to investigate complaint or investigation matter
480. Request from another jurisdiction to investigate complaint
481. Sharing of information with corresponding authorities
482. Cooperation with other authorities
483. Request for information relevant to a complaint or investigation matter
484. Compliance with recommendations or orders made under corresponding laws
485. Other powers or functions not affected
4. 13 Miscellaneous
486. Information about complaints procedure
487. Protection from liability for notification of conduct or making a complaint
488. Failure to comply with order of a disciplinary body
489. Performance criteria
490. Annual and other reports to the Minister
491. Confidentiality of client communications
492. Waiver of legal professional privilege or benefit of duty of confidentiality
Part 5.1
493. Main purpose of ch 5
494. Definitions for ch 5
495. Application of ch 5
496. Application of chapter to other persons
Part 5.2 Starting external interventions
497. Circumstances warranting external intervention
498. Decision regarding external intervention
Part 5.3 Supervisors of trust money
499. Appointment of supervisor of trust money
500. Notice of appointment
501. Effect of service of notice of appointment
502. Role of supervisor of trust money
503. Records of law practice under supervision
504. Termination of supervisor's appointment
Part 5.4 Managers
505. Appointment of manager
506. Notice of appointment
507. Effect of service of notice of appointment
508. Role of manager
509. Records and accounts of law practice under management
510. Deceased estates
511. Termination of manager's appointment
Part 5.5 Receivers
512. Appointment of receiver
513. Notice of appointment
514. Effect of service of notice of appointment
515. Role of receiver
516. Records and accounts of law practice under receivership
517. Power of receiver to take possession of regulated property
518. Power of receiver to take delivery of regulated property
519. Power of receiver to deal with regulated property
520. Power of receiver to require documents or information
521. Examinations
522. Lien for costs on regulated property of the law practice
523. Regulated property of a law practice is not to be attached
524. Recovery of regulated property where there has been a breach of trust etc.
525. Improperly destroying property etc.
526. Deceased estates
527. Termination of receiver's appointment
Part 5.6 General
528. Conditions on appointment of external intervener for a law practice
529. Status of acts of external intervener for a law practice
530. Eligibility for reappointment or authorisation
531. Appeal against appointment
532. Directions of Supreme Court
533. Manager and receiver appointed for law practice
534. ADI disclosure requirements
535. Fees, legal costs and expenses
536. Reports by external intervener for law practice
537. Confidentiality for external intervener for law practice
538. Provisions relating to requirements under this chapter
539. Obstruction of external intervener
Part 6.1 Preliminary
540. Main purpose of ch 6
541. Definitions for ch 6
Part 6.2 Requirements relating to documents, information and other assistance
542. Requirements that may be imposed for investigations, examinations and audits under parts 3.3 and 2.7
543. Requirements that may be imposed for investigations under ch 4
544. Provisions relating to requirements under this part
Part 6.3 Entry to places
545. Power to enter places
546. Entry with consent
547. Application for warrant
548. Issue of warrant
549. Application by electronic communication and duplicate warrant
550. Defect in relation to a warrant
551. Warrants—procedure before entry
Part 6.4 Powers of investigators after entry
552. General powers of investigator after entering places
553. Power to require reasonable help or information
Part 6.5 Power of investigators to seize evidence
554. Seizing evidence at place entered under s 545
555. Securing seized things
556. Tampering with seized things
557. Powers to support seizure
558. Receipt for seized things
559. Forfeiture of seized things
560. Dealing with forfeited things etc.
561. Return of seized things
562. Access to seized things
Part 6.6 General enforcement matters
563. Notice of damage
564. Compensation
565. False or misleading information
566. False or misleading documents
567. Obstructing investigators
568. Impersonation of investigators
Part 6.7 Provisions about investigations relating to incorporated legal practices
569. Definition for pt 6.7
570. Application of part to audits and investigations
571. Examination of persons
572. Inspection of books
573. Power to hold hearings
574. Failure to comply with investigation
Part 6.8 Investigators
575. Appointment, qualifications etc. of investigators
576. Appointment conditions and limit on powers
577. Issue of identity card
578. Production or display of identity card
579. When investigator ceases to hold office
580. Resignation
581. Return of identity card
Part 7.1 Legal Services Commissioner
Division 1--Preliminary
582. Main purposes of pt 7.1
Division 2--Appointment
583. Legal Services Commissioner
584. Appointment
585. Term of appointment
586. Remuneration and conditions
587. Acting commissioner
588. Termination of appointment
589. Resignation of commissioner
Division 3--Functions
590. Functions
Division 4--Legal Services Commission
591. Establishment of commission
592. Staff and other resources
593. Preservation of rights if public service officer appointed or engaged
594. Preservation of rights if person becomes public service officer
595. Preservation of rights if public service officer seconded
Division 5--Miscellaneous matters about the commissioner
596. Delegation
597. Arrangements with regulatory authority about copies of documents
7. 2
Legal Practice Tribunal
Division 1--Preliminary
598. Main purpose of pt 7.2
Division 2--Establishment of Legal Practice Tribunal and related matters
599. Establishment, members and chairperson of tribunal
600. Way tribunal is to operate
601. Jurisdiction
602. Powers
603. Rule-making power
604. Practice directions
605. Registrar
606. Tribunal's seal
Division 3--Panels, members of panels and related matters
607. Establishment of panels for helping the tribunal
608. Appointment of panel members
609. Remuneration and appointment conditions of panel members
610. Termination of appointment
611. Resignation of members
Division 4--Role of tribunal members and panel members
612. Role of members
613. Disclosure of interests
Division 5--Constitution of tribunal for hearings
614. Constitution of tribunal for hearings
Division 6--Other provisions
615. Institution of proceedings by the commissioner
616. Contempt of tribunal
617. Conduct that is contempt and an offence
618. Protection of members etc.
Part 7.3 Legal Practice Committee
Division 1--Preliminary
619. Main purpose of pt 7.3
620. Definitions for pt 7.3
Division 2--Establishment, membership of committee, functions and powers
621. Establishment of committee
622. Committee members
623. Term of appointment
624. Functions and powers of committee
625. Administrative support
Division 3--Provisions about committee members
626. Eligibility for membership
627. Termination of office
628. Resignation of committee member
629. Deputy chairperson
630. Remuneration and allowances of lay members
Division 4--Provisions about committee performing advisory functions
631. Application of pt 7.3, div 4
632. Conduct of business
633. Time and place of meeting
634. Quorum
635. Presiding at meetings
636. Conduct of meetings
637. Minutes
638. Disclosure of interests
Division 5--Provisions applying to committee for hearings
639. Constitution of committee for hearing
640. Conduct of committee for hearing and deciding discipline applications
641. Disclosure of interests
642. Protection of members etc.
Part 7.4 Provisions applying to each disciplinary body
Division 1--Parties to proceedings
643. Parties
Division 2--Conduct of proceedings
644. Public hearings
645. Procedure for hearing by a disciplinary body
646. Recording evidence
647. Disciplinary body may proceed in absence of party or may adjourn hearing
648. Matter may be decided on affidavit evidence
649. Standard of proof
650. Prohibited publication about hearing of a disciplinary application
Division 3--Powers of disciplinary body
651. Power to disregard procedural lapses
652. Directions for hearings
653. Attendance notice
654. Authentication of documents
Division 4--Offences
655. False or misleading information
656. False or misleading documents
Part 7.5 Legal Practitioners Admissions Board
Division 1--Preliminary
657. Main purpose of pt 7.5
658. Definitions for pt 7.5
Division 2--Establishment and membership of board
659. Establishment of board
660. Members of board
Division 3--Board's functions and powers
661. Functions and powers of board etc.
662. Administrative support of the board
Division 4--Provisions about board members
663. Term of appointment
664. Chairperson and deputy chairperson
665. Eligibility for membership
666. Termination of appointment
667. Resignation of board member
Division 5--Board business
668. Conduct of business
669. Times and places of meetings
670. Quorum
671. Presiding at meetings
672. Conduct of meetings
673. Minutes
674. Disclosure of interests
Division 6--Miscellaneous
675. Delegation
676. Application of particular Acts to board
Part 7.6 Q
Division 1--Preliminary
677. Main purpose of pt 7.6
678. Definitions for pt 7.6
Division 2--Constitution and related matters about the law society
679. Establishment of Queensland Law Society
680. Functions of the law society
681. General powers of the law society
682. Status of the law society because of its establishment in Act
683. Delegation
Division 3--Membership of law society
684. Membership of law society
Division 4--Council and its membership and officers of the law society
685. Council of the law society
686. President, deputy president and vice-president of the law society
687. Dealing with casual vacancy
688. No defect because of vacancy
689. Secretary and other staff of the law society
Division 5--Council meetings
690. Conduct of business at meetings
691. Presiding at meetings
692. Quorum
693. Conduct of council meetings
694. Minutes
695. Disclosure of interest
Division 6--Law society may make rule
696. Rule
697. Notice by Minister about law society making rules
698. Availability of society rules
Division 7--Miscellaneous
699. Starting proceedings
700. Recovery of unpaid amount
8.1. g
eneral provisions
Division 1--Liabilities, injunctions, protection of information etc.
701. Liability of principals
702. Executive officers must ensure corporation complies with Act
703. Injunctions
704. Disclosure of information by commissioner, regulatory authorities and other entities
705. Confidentiality of personal information
706. Duty of relevant entities to report suspected offences
707. Protection from liability
Division 2--Offences, starting proceedings and evidentiary and other matters
708. Offences are summary offences
709. Limitation on time for starting summary proceeding
710. Appointments and authority
711. Signatures
712. Evidentiary aids—documents
713. Dealing with particular trust money and trust property (Trust Accounts Act, section 33)
Part 8.2 Machinery provisions
714. Approved forms
715. Regulation-making power
Part 9.1 Purposes, definitions and general approach
716. Main purposes of ch 9
717. Definitions for ch 9
718. Authorised actions and documents etc. under previous provision
719. Things continued in force under Legal Profession Act 2004
720. Terminology in things mentioned in s 718(1)
721. Period stated in previous provision
722. Period or date stated in document given under previous provision
723. Acts Interpretation Act 1954, s 20 not limited
Part 9.2 Transitional provisions relating to chapter 2
724. Act or omission happening before commencement may be relevant to proceeding for particular acts or omissions
725. Examples for ch 2 of things under s 718
Part 9.3 Transitional provisions relating to chapter 3
Division 1--Examples for chapter 3
726. Examples for ch 3 of things under s 718
Division 2--Matters dealt with in part 3.3
727. Continued application of Trust Accounts Act 1973
728. Provision about application of s 268
729. Provision about application of s 270
730. Provision about application of s 276
731. Provision about application of s 278
Division 3--Matters dealt with in part 3.4
Subdivision 1--Preliminary
732. Definitions for pt 9.3, div 3
733. General application of pt 3.4
Subdivision 2--Client agreements
734. Client agreements may be entered into despite pt 3.4
735. Application of part 3.4 to client agreements etc.
736. Failure to comply with Queensland Law Society Act 1952 after commencement and before relevant day
Subdivision 3--Billing
737. Application of pt 3.4, div 6
Subdivision 4--Costs assessments
738. All costs assessments to be under pt 3.4, div 7
739. Costs assessment started before commencement
Division 4--Matters dealt with in part 3.6
740. Amounts payable to and from the fidelity fund before commencement
741. Delegation to committee of management before commencement
742. Claims for acts or omissions happening before commencement
743. Reference in s 377 to previous sections
744. Right of subrogation to continue despite repeal
745. Payments for defaults under previous ch 2, pt 7
Part 9.4 Transitional provisions relating to chapter 4
746. Examples for ch 4 of things under s 718
Part 9.5 Transitional provisions relating to chapter 5
747. Examples for ch 5 of things under s 718
Part 9.6 Transitional provisions relating to chapter 6
748. Examples for ch 6 of things under s 718
Part 9.7 Transitional provisions relating to chapter 7
749. Examples for ch 7 of things under s 718
Part 9.8 Transitional provisions relating to chapter 8
750. Examples for ch 8 of things under s 718
Part 9.9 Regulation-making power for transitional purposes
751. Transitional regulation-making power
Part 9.10 Repeal of the Legal Profession Act 2004
752. Repeal of Legal Profession Act 2004
Part 9.11 Provisions relating to Trust Accounts Act 1973
753. Definitions for pt 9.11
754. Trust accounts and trust moneys under Trust Accounts Act
755. Accounting and other records
756. Dealing with particular trust moneys
757. Provision about particular auditors and audits
758. Continuing application of Trust Accounts Act, s 5
759. Continuing application of Trust Accounts Act, ss 12 and 13
760. Continuing application of Trust Accounts Act, s 14(2) and (3)
761. Continuing application of Trust Accounts Act, ss 15 and 16
762. Continuing application of Trust Accounts Act, s 17
763. Continuing application of Trust Accounts Act, s 19
764. Continuing application of Trust Accounts Act, s 28A
765. Continuing application of Trust Accounts Act, s 30
766. Continuing application of Trust Accounts Act, s 33
Part 9.12 Repeal of Queensland Law Society Act 1952
767. Repeal of the Queensland Law Society Act 1952
768. Transitional provision about examination of accounts under Queensland Law Society Act 1952
769. Another transitional provision for repeal of Queensland Law Society Act 1952
Part 9.13 Amendment of Acts
770. Acts amended in sch 1
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