(1) An Australian-registered foreign lawyer may provide only the following legal services in this jurisdiction--
(a) doing work, or transacting business, concerning the law of a foreign country if the lawyer is registered by the foreign registration authority for the country;
(b) legal services, including appearances, in relation to an arbitration proceeding of a kind prescribed under a regulation;
(c) legal services, including appearances, in relation to a proceeding before a body other than a court, being a proceeding in which the body concerned is not required to apply the rules of evidence and in which knowledge of the foreign law of a country mentioned in paragraph (a) is essential;
(d) legal services for conciliation, mediation and other forms of consensual dispute resolution of a kind prescribed under a regulation.
(2) Nothing in this part authorises an Australian-registered foreign lawyer to appear in any court, except on the lawyer's own behalf, or to practise Australian law in this jurisdiction.
(3) Despite subsection (2), an Australian-registered foreign lawyer may advise on the effect of an Australian law if--
(a) the giving of advice on Australian law is necessarily incidental to the practice of foreign law; and
(b) the advice is expressly based on advice given on the Australian law by an Australian legal practitioner who is not an employee of the foreign lawyer.