(1) If the law society considers that there has been, or may have been, a default by a law practice, it may publish either or both of the following--
(a) a notice that seeks information about the default;
(b) a notice that invites claims relating to the default and fixes a final date after which claims relating to the default can not be made.
(2) The final date fixed by the notice must be a date that is--
(a) at least 3 months after the date of the first or only publication of the notice; and
(b) not more than 1 year after the date of that first or only publication.
(3) The notice must be published--
(a) in a newspaper circulating generally throughout Australia; and
(b) in a newspaper circulating generally in each jurisdiction where the law society believes the law practice has an office or, at any relevant time, had an office; and
(c) on the law society internet site.
(4) The law society may provide information to persons making inquiries in response to the notice published under this section.
(5) Apart from extending the period during which claims can be made under this part, if relevant, publication of the notice under this section does not confer any entitlements in relation to any claim, or the default to which it relates, or provide any grounds affecting the decision of any claim.
(6) Neither the publication in good faith of the notice under this section, nor the provision of information in good faith under this section, subjects a protected person to any liability including liability in defamation.
(7) In this section--
protected person means--
(a) the law society or a council member; or
(b) the proprietor, editor or publisher of a newspaper; or
(c) an internet service provider or internet content host; or
(d) a person acting at the direction of a person or entity mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).