(1) In relation to chapter 7, the following are examples of authorised actions or documents for section 718 in relation to matters dealt with under the Legal Profession Act 2004--
(a) an appointment of a person as the Legal Services Commissioner under previous section 414;
(b) a decision about the remuneration and allowances to be paid to the commissioner under previous section 416;
(c) an appointment of a person as the acting commissioner under previous section 417;
(d) an approval of the chief executive, or a secondment of a public service officer to the commission, under previous section 422;
(e) a delegation by the commissioner under previous section 426;
(f) an arrangement between the commissioner and a regulatory authority under previous section 427;
(g) a direction about the tribunal's procedure issued, or a delegation by the chairperson of the tribunal, under previous section 434;
(h) an appointment of a person to the lay panel, or the practitioner panel, under previous section 438;
(i) a decision about the remuneration and allowances to be paid to a member of the lay panel under previous section 439;
(j) an appointment, an invitation to recommend for appointment or a recommendation for appointment, of a person under previous section 452;
(k) an appointment of a person as the deputy chairperson of the Legal Practice Committee under previous section 459;
(l) a decision about the remuneration and allowances to be paid to a lay member of the Legal Practice Committee under previous section 460;
(m) minutes of a meeting of the Legal Practice Committee, and resolutions made under previous section 466(6), kept under previous section 467;
(n) a direction under previous section 468 or 482;
(o) an arrangement made about constituting a committee for hearing and deciding a discipline application under previous section 469;
(p) a direction about the committee's procedure issued under previous section 470;
(q) a decision about recording a proceeding under previous section 476;
(r) an order prohibiting publication of information under previous section 480;
(s) an order of a disciplinary body about a failure to observe a procedural requirement under previous section 481;
(t) a direction in relation to a hearing before a disciplinary body issued under previous section 482;
(u) a notice given to a person to attend a hearing of, or to produce a stated document or thing to, a disciplinary body under previous section 483;
(v) an appointment of a person, or a nomination of a person for appointment, to the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board under previous section 490;
(w) an appointment of a person as the chairperson or deputy chairperson of the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board under previous section 494;
(x) minutes of a meeting of the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board, and resolutions passed at a board meeting, kept under previous section 503;
(y) a delegation by the law society under previous section 512;
(z) an appointment for a casual vacancy under previous section 516 and of the secretary and other persons under previous section 518.
(2) Also, in relation to chapter 7 of this Act, the following are examples of obligations for section 718 in relation to matters dealt with under the Legal Profession Act 2004--
(a) an obligation under previous section 418(2), 440(2), 457(2) or 496(2) to terminate the appointment of a person;
(b) an obligation of the chairperson of the Legal Practice Committee under previous section 463(2), or the chairperson of the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board under previous section 499(2), to call a meeting.
(3) Also, in relation to chapter 7 of this Act, the following are examples of protections for section 718 in relation to matters dealt with under the Legal Profession Act 2004--
(a) a statement under previous section 423 relating to a public service officer appointed to an office as mentioned in that previous section;
(b) a statement under previous section 425 relating to a seconded public service officer;
(c) a statement under previous section 446 about tribunal members and panel members;
(d) a statement under previous section 448 or 472 about persons mentioned in that previous section;
(e) a statement under previous section 517 about the performance of a function or exercise of a power of the law society.