(1) The purpose of this section is to enable a regulatory authority to obtain a document or information, or a person's cooperation, to the extent necessary for the authority to consider whether or not--
(a) to grant or renew a local practising certificate; or
(b) to amend, suspend or cancel a local practising certificate.
(2) The relevant regulatory authority may, by written notice to the applicant or certificate holder, ask the applicant or certificate holder--
(a) to give it a stated document or information that the authority believes is necessary for the authority's consideration about a local practising certificate; or
(b) to cooperate in a stated way with the authority in an investigation or inquiry that the authority believes is necessary for the authority's consideration about a local practising certificate.
(3) The regulatory authority may decide not to grant or renew a local practising certificate, or to amend, suspend or cancel a local practising certificate, if the applicant or the certificate holder fails--
(a) to give the stated documents or information as requested under subsection (2); or
(b) to cooperate with the authority in its investigations or inquiries as requested under subsection (2).