This subdivision applies if—
(a) both of the following apply—(i) the scheme manager makes an allocation decision for an authority that allocates the authority to the risk category of high;(ii) section 46(b) does not apply; or
(b) both of the following apply—(i) the scheme manager makes an allocation decision for an authority that allocates the authority to the risk category of very low, low or moderate;(ii) the holder of the authority is required to give a surety under section 49(3); or
(c) both of the following apply—(i) the scheme manager makes an allocation decision for an authority that allocates the authority to the risk category of very low, low or moderate;(ii) the scheme manager decides the holder of the authority must give a surety, rather than pay a contribution, to preserve the financial viability of the scheme fund; or
(d) the estimated rehabilitation cost for an authority is less than the prescribed ERC amount; or
(e) the holder of a small scale mining tenure is required under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 , section 21A(2) to give a surety before carrying out an activity, or allowing the carrying out of an activity, under the tenure.