"administrator" means—
(a) a person who is, or was, the commissioner; or
(b) a person who is, or was, involved in the administration of this Act, including, for example—(i) an officer of the office; or(ii) a review officer; or(iii) a person appointed under section 19 (1) ; or(iv) an officer or employee of the department whose services are made available to the commissioner under section 30 (2) .
(a) the person’s criminal history as defined under the Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 ; and
(b) despite section 6 of that Act, includes, a conviction of the person to which the section applies.
(a) the person has capacity to consent; and
(b) the consent is given freely and voluntarily.
(a) has knowledge and understanding of the specific Ailan Kastom child rearing practice that occurred in relation to the application; and
(b) can, for the purpose of the application, verify that the practice occurred in accordance with Ailan Kastom.
(a) an Act, other than—(i) this Act; or(ii) the Child Protection Act 1999 , if the person is certified as an approved foster carer or an approved kinship carer under that Act; or
(b) a law of the Commonwealth or another State; or
(c) a court order; or
(d) a testamentary instrument.
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