(1) The chief executive may, by gazette notice, approve or make a code of practice providing standard conditions for authorities authorising the entry to or use of a marine park.
(2) The notice must state that--
(a) the code has been approved or made; and
(b) copies of the code are available--
(i) during normal business hours at stated places the chief executive considers appropriate; and
(ii) on the department's web site on the Internet.
(3) A code of practice is not subordinate legislation.
(4) However, the Statutory Instruments Act 1992, sections 49 to 51 apply to the notice as if it were subordinate legislation.
These provisions deal with the tabling in, and disallowance by, the Legislative Assembly of subordinate legislation.
(5) When the code is tabled as required under the Statutory Instruments Act 1992, section 49, a copy of any document applied, adopted or incorporated by the plan must also be tabled.