(1) A regulation may amend a zoning plan if, subject to subsections (2) and (3), the amendment has been prepared under sections 26 and 27.
(2) Sections 26 and 27 do not apply if the amendment is--
(a) a minor amendment to--
(i) correct an error in the plan; or
(ii) make a change, other than a change of substance, in the plan; or
(b) of a type that the zoning plan states may be made under this subsection.
(3) Also, the sections do not apply if--
(a) for a zoning plan that is substantially uniform or complementary with another Act or a law of the Commonwealth or another State--the amendment is needed to ensure the plan remains substantially uniform or complementary; or
(b) each of the following applies--
(i) the amendment adopts an Australian or international protocol, standard, code, or intergovernmental agreement or instrument;
(ii) an assessment of the benefits and costs associated with the amendment has already been made;
(iii) the assessment was made for, or is relevant to, Queensland; or
(c) the Minister considers there has already been adequate other public consultation about the matters the subject of the amendment.
(4) The consultation mentioned in subsection (3)(c) must have--
(a) involved publication of the matters the subject of the amendment; and
(b) been for a period of at least 28 days after the publication within which members of the public could comment on the matters.