(1) Section 295(1), heading--
omit, insert--
(2) Section 295(1), note--
omit, insert--
For a sale by auction, see section 233.'.
(3) Section 295(4)(a)--
(4) Section 295(4)(c), 'documents mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b)'--
omit, insert--
'form mentioned in paragraph (a)'.
(5) Section 295(4)(d), 'paragraph (b)'--
omit, insert--
'paragraph (a)'.
(6) Section 295(4)(b) to (d)--
renumber as section 295(4)(a) to (c).
(7) Section 295(5) and (6)--
(8) Section 295--
'(7A) Subsections (2) and (4)(a)(ii) do not apply to the extent that a security interest in the motor vehicle is registered under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cwlth).'.
(9) Section 295(7), (7A) and (8)--
renumber as section 295(5), (6) and (7).