Queensland Numbered Acts

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           Part 1--Preliminary
           Division 1--Introduction
   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Purposes of Act and their achievement
   4.      Act binds all persons
   5.      Relationship with Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994
           Division 2--Interpretation
   6.      Definitions
   7.      What is the TransLink area
   8.      What is a mass transit network
           Part 2--Establishment and status of TransLink
   9.      Establishment
   10.     Legal status
   11.     TransLink represents the State
   12.     TransLink declared to be excluded matter for Corporations Act
   13.     Application of other Acts
           Part 3--Functions and powers of TransLink
           Division 1--Functions
   14.     Main function and its achievement
           Division 2--Powers
   15.     General powers
   16.     Service contracts
   17.     Work performance arrangements
   18.     Powers subject to Ministerial directions
           Part 4--TransLink's board
           Division 1--Board membership
   19.     The members
   20.     Appointed members
   21.     Eligibility for appointment
   22.     Duration of appointment
   23.     Terms and conditions of appointment
   24.     Resignation
   25.     Delegation by local government member
           Division 2--Meetings and other business of board
   26.     Conduct of business
   27.     Times and places of meetings
   28.     Quorum
   29.     Presiding at meetings
   30.     Conduct of meetings
   31.     Decisions outside meetings
   32.     Minutes and record of decisions
           Division 3--Miscellaneous provision
   33.     Protection of members from civil liability
           Part 5--Staffing
           Division 1--Chief executive officer of TransLink
   34.     Chief executive officer
   35.     Acting chief executive officer
           Division 2--Employing office
   36.     Establishment
   37.     Functions
   38.     Employing office may employ staff
           Part 6--Directions, reporting and information
   39.     Ministerial directions or guidelines to TransLink
   40.     Infrastructure project reporting
   41.     Ministerial access to information
   42.     TransLink network plans
   43.     Fare strategies
   44.     System performance reports
   45.     Annual report
   46.     Provisions for making plan or recommendation to Minister
           Part 7--Special events
   47.     Declaration of special event
   48.     Coordination power for mass transit services to special events
   49.     TransLink approval required for special event services
   50.     Special event approvals
           Part 8--Miscellaneous provisions
   51.     Request for information from prospective appointees
   52.     Criminal history report about appointee or prospective appointee
   53.     Disclosure of disqualification by appointees
   54.     Disclosure of conflicts of interest by appointees
   55.     Delegations by TransLink
   56.     Regulation-making power
           Part 9--Transitional provisions
   57.     Deferral of application of s 49 for particular contracts and arrangements for special event services
   58.     Novation of particular State contracts to TransLink
   59.     Existing service contracts not affected
   60.     Transfer of particular State assets and liabilities to TransLink
   61.     Registration of transferred assets
   62.     References to former body known as Translink
   63.     Existing industrial instruments that bind employing office
           Part 10--Amendment of Public Service Act 1996
   64.     Act amended in pt 10
   65.     Amendment of sch 1 (Public service offices and their heads)
           Part 11--Amendment of Transport Infrastructure Act 1994
   66.     Act amended in pt 11
   67.     Amendment of s 6 (Contents of transport infrastructure strategies)
   68.     Amendment of s 20 (Transport GOCs)
           Part 12--Amendment of Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994
   69.     Act amended in pt 12
   70.     Insertion of new ch 5A
   71.     Amendment of s 39 (Scope of service contracts)
   72.     Amendment of s 42 (Declaration that service contracts are required)
   73.     Insertion of new of s 42B
           74. Amendment of s 43 (Obligation to hold service contracts)
   75.     Amendment of s 46 (Review of holder's performance)
   76.     Omission of s 54 (Special condition for service contracts for restricted school services)
   77.     Amendment of ch 6, pt 2, div 2 hdg (General provisions for service contracts for scheduled passenger services)
   78.     Amendment of s 54A (Application of div 2)
   79.     Amendment of s 55 (Entering into a service contract for a scheduled passenger service—no existing operators)
   80.     Amendment of s 56 (Entitlement of existing operators)
   81.     Amendment of s 57 (Entering into a service contract for a scheduled passenger service)
   82.     Amendment of s 59 (Matters to be considered)
   83.     Replacement of s 60 (Amendments of service contracts)
   84.     Amendment of s 61 (Compensation)
           85. Amendment of s 62 (Offer of new service contract)
   86.     Amendment of ch 6, pt 2, div 2AA hdg (Translink service contracts)
   87.     Omission of s 62AAA (Purpose of div 2AA)
   88.     Amendment of s 62AAC (What is a Translink service contract)
   89.     Insertion of new s 62AACA
           90. Amendment of s 62AAD (Offer of new Translink service contract)
   91.     Amendment of s 62AAE (Matters to be considered generally when considering offers for Translink service contracts)
   92.     Amendment of s 62AAF (Unsatisfactory performance of Translink service contract holder)
   93.     Replacement of s 62AAG (New service contract area or route in the Translink area)
   94.     Amendment of s 62AAH (Compensation)
           95. Amendment of s 62AAI (What happens when Translink service contract is surrendered, cancelled or terminated)
   96.     Omission of s 62AB (Entitlement of an existing operator providing substantially the same service under a transitional provision)
   97.     Amendment of s 62AD (First opportunity to offer may be given to existing operator of school services under a service contract or transitional provision)
   98.     Amendment of s 62AE (When public offer must be invited, and when offers may be invited in another way)
   99.     Amendment of s 62AF (Prohibition on making offers to allow first opportunity)
   100.    Omission of ch 13, pt 1A, div 2 (Translink service contracts)
   101.    Insertion of new ch 13, pt 5
   102.    Amendment of sch 2 (Reviewable decisions)
   103.    Omission of sch 2A (Particular service contracts in SEQ area)
   104.    Amendment of sch 3 (Dictionary)
           Part 13--Amendment of Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995
   105.    Act amended in pt 13
   106.    Amendment of s 8 (Contents of strategies)
           Part 14--Amendment of Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994
   107.    Act amended in pt 14
   108.    Amendment of s 3 (Definitions)
   109.    Amendment of s 6 (Transport coordination plan to be consistent with overall strategic planning for government etc.)
   110.    Amendment of s 8C (Impact of road works on local government road)
   111.    Omission of pt 3 (The South-East Queensland Transit Authority)
   112.    Insertion of new s 22
           113. Amendment of s 37 (Delegation by the Minister or the chief executive)

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