(1) An improvement notice must state—
(a) that the inspector believes the person—
(i) is contravening a provision of this Act; or
(ii) has contravened a provision in circumstances that make it likely that the contravention will continue or be repeated; and
(b) the provision the inspector believes is being, or has been, contravened; and
(c) briefly, how the provision is being, or has been, contravened; and
(d) the day by which the person is required to remedy the contravention or likely contravention.
(2) An improvement notice may include directions concerning the measures to be taken to remedy the contravention or prevent the likely contravention, or the matters or activities causing the contravention or likely contravention, to which the notice relates.
(3) The day stated for compliance with the improvement notice must be reasonable in all the circumstances.