(1) Schedule 2, definitions bodily harm, electrical safety obligation, electrical safety protection notice, employer, executive officer, facsimile warrant, grievous bodily harm, improvement notice, obligation offence provision, official entity, original chief executive decision, recall order, regulator, responsible person, self-employed person, temporary inspector, Training and Employment Act, unsafe equipment notice, warrant form, wilfully, workplace—
(2) Schedule 2—
'amended, for part 20, see section 247A.
amendment Act, for part 20, see section 247A.
category 1 offence see section 40B.
category 2 offence see section 40C.
category 3 offence see section 40D.
code of practice means a code of practice in force under section 44.
compliance powers means the functions and powers conferred on an inspector under this Act.
corresponding law, other than for part 2A, means—
(a) a law of another State corresponding, or substantially corresponding, to this Act; or
(b) a law of another State that is declared under a regulation to be a corresponding law, whether or not the law corresponds, or substantially corresponds, to this Act.
corresponding regulator means a person who, in relation to the administration of a corresponding law, has functions similar to the regulator in relation to the administration of this Act.
design, in relation to electrical equipment or an electrical installation, includes—
(a) design of part of the equipment or installation; and
(b) redesign or modify a design.
electrical safety duty see section 40A.
electrical safety protection notice see section 147.
electrical safety undertaking see section 49.
engages in conduct means doing an act or omitting to do an act.
improvement notice see section 146.
infringement notice means an infringement notice under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999.
non-disturbance notice see section 149.
officer means—
(a) an officer within the meaning of section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth other than a partner in a partnership; or
(b) an officer of the State, Commonwealth or another State within the meaning of section 189A; or
(c) an officer of a public authority within the meaning of section 190C;
other than an elected member of a local government acting in that capacity.
original regulator decision for part 12, see section 167.
person conducting a business or undertaking see section 21.
public authority means—
(a) an authority or body established or incorporated for a public purpose by a law of the State, another State or of the Commonwealth, including a body corporate incorporated under a law of the State, another State or of the Commonwealth in which the State, the other State or the Commonwealth has a controlling interest; or
(b) a GOC;
(c) local government; or
(d) a statutory body under the Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act 1982.
reasonably practicable, in relation to a duty to ensure electrical safety, see section 28.
recall order see section 40G(2).
regulator means—
(a) for section 76(3)—see the section; or
(b) for part 15—see section 211; or
(c) otherwise—the regulator under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
responsible person, in relation to a recall order, see section 40G(2)(a).
temporary inspector means a temporary inspector appointed under section 126.
unsafe equipment notice see section 148.
volunteer means a person who is acting on a voluntary basis (irrespective of whether the person receives out-of-pocket expenses).
workplace means a workplace under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, section 8.'.