Item | Provision under which reviewable decision is made | Eligible person in
relation to reviewable decision | External review body |
1 | Section 54(2)
decision following failure to commence negotiations | (1) A worker whose
interests are affected by the decision or his or her representative appointed
for the purpose of section 52(1)(b). (2) A person conducting a business or
undertaking whose interests are affected by the decision. (3) A health and
safety representative who represents a worker whose interests are affected by
the decision. | commission |
2 | Section 72(6)
decision in relation to training health and safety representative | (1) A
person conducting a business or undertaking whose interests are affected by
the decision. (2) A health and safety representative whose interests are
affected by the decision. | commission |
3 | Section 76(6)
decision relating to health and safety committee | (1) A worker whose
interests are affected by the decision. (2) A person conducting a business or
undertaking whose interests are affected by the decision. (3) A health and
safety representative who represents a worker whose interests are affected by
the decision. | commission |
4 | Section 102
decision on review of provisional improvement notice
| (1) The person to whom the provisional improvement notice was issued. (2) The
health and safety representative who issued the provisional improvement
notice. (3) A worker whose interests are affected by the decision. (4) A
health and safety representative who represents a worker whose interests are
affected by the decision. (5) A person conducting a business or undertaking
whose interests are affected by the decision. | QCAT |
5 | Section 179
forfeiture of thing | The person entitled to the thing. | QCAT |
6 |
Section 180
return of seized things | The person entitled to the thing. | QCAT |
7 |
Section 191
issue of improvement notice | (1) The person to whom the notice was issued.
(2) A person conducting a business or undertaking whose interests are affected
by the decision. (3) A worker whose interests are affected by the decision.
(4) A health and safety representative who represents a worker whose interests
are affected by the decision. | QCAT |
8 | Section 194
extension of time for compliance with improvement notice | (1) The person to
whom the notice was issued. (2) A person conducting a business or undertaking
whose interests are affected by the decision. (3) A worker whose interests are
affected by the decision. (4) A health and safety representative who
represents a worker whose interests are affected by the decision. | QCAT |
| Section 195
issue of prohibition notice | (1) The person to whom the notice was issued.
(2) The person with management or control of the workplace, plant or
substance. (3) A person conducting a business or undertaking whose interests
are affected by the decision. (4) A worker whose interests are affected by the
decision. (5) A health and safety representative who represents a worker whose
interests are affected by the decision. (6) A health and safety representative
who gave a direction under section 85 to cease work, that is relevant to the
prohibition notice. | QCAT |
10 | Section 198
issue of a non-disturbance notice | (1) The person to whom the notice was
issued. (2) The person with management or control of the workplace. (3) A
person conducting a business or undertaking whose interests are affected by
the decision. (4) A worker whose interests are affected by the decision. (5) A
health and safety representative who represents a worker whose interests are
affected by the decision. | QCAT |
11 | Section 201
issue of subsequent notice | (1) The person to whom the notice was issued. (2)
The person with management or control of the workplace. (3) A person
conducting a business or undertaking whose interests are affected by the
decision. (4) A worker whose interests are affected by the decision. (5) A
health and safety representative who represents a worker whose interests are
affected by the decision. | QCAT |
12 | Section 207
decision of regulator to vary or cancel notice | (1) The person to whom the
notice was issued. (2) The person with management or control of the workplace.
(3) A person conducting a business or undertaking whose interests are affected
by the decision. (4) A worker whose interests are affected by the decision.
(5) A health and safety representative who represents a worker whose interests
are affected by the decision. (6) In the case of a prohibition notice, a
health and safety representative whose direction under section 85 to cease
work gave rise to the notice. | QCAT |
13 | A provision prescribed under a
regulation | A person prescribed under a regulation as eligible to apply for
review of the reviewable decision. | QCAT or the commission as prescribed
under a regulation |