(1) A service provider must regularly review the service provider's strategic asset management plan, in accordance with the notice given by the regulator under section 74.
Maximum penalty--500 penalty units.
(2) A service provider must regularly review the service provider's system leakage management plan, in accordance with the notice given by the regulator under section 87.
Maximum penalty--200 penalty units.
(3) The purpose of the review under subsection (1) or (2) is to ensure the plan remains relevant having regard to best practice industry standards for the types of services provided by the service provider.
(4) A service provider must regularly review the service provider's drinking water quality management plan, in accordance with the notice given by the regulator under section 99.
Maximum penalty--500 penalty units.
(5) The purpose of the review under subsection (4) is to ensure the plan remains relevant having regard to the operation of the water service provided by the service provider.
(6) The service provider must, in its annual report, state--
(a) the outcome of any review under this section; and
(b) how the service provider has addressed matters raised in the review.