(1) A rate notice or account issued by the water service provider, or the related local government, for the supply of water to the residential premises, must comply with guidelines made by--
(a) for the SEQ region or a designated region--the commission; or
(b) for an area outside the SEQ region or a designated region--the regulator.
Maximum penalty--200 penalty units.
(2) The guidelines may state--
(a) the frequency at which a rate notice or account must be issued for the supply of water to residential premises; and
(b) the type of information to be included in the rate notice or account about the volume of water supplied to the premises during each billing period for the premises.
(3) This section applies despite the Local Government Act, sections 973(4) and 1008(3).
See also section 606 (Application of provision about guidelines for rate notice or account for water supply) for application of this section to particular water service providers or a related local government.