Queensland Subordinate Legislation as Made
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1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Definitions
4. What this regulation is about
Part 1--Preliminary
5. What is the value of land
Part 2--Land exempt from rating
6. Land that is exempt from rating—Act, s 95
Part 3--Value of land used for rates
7. Rateable value of land
8. Working out the 2-year averaged value
9. Working out the 3-year averaged value
Part 4--Minimum general rates
10. Minimum general rates for land generally
11. Minimum general rates on timeshare property
12. Value of mining claim for fixing minimum general rates
Part 5--Differential general rates
Division 1--Introduction
13. Differential general rates
14. Categorisation of land for differential general rates
15. Later categorisation
Division 2--Entering land to categorise land
16. What div 2 is about
17. Appointing categorisation officer
18. Identity card for categorisation officer
19. Exercise of power of entry
20. End of appointment of categorisation officer
Division 3--Notice of categorisation of land
21. Notice to owner of categorisation
Division 4--Objecting to rates category
22. What div 4 is about
23. Land owner's objection to rates category
24. Decision on a land owner's objection
25. Land owner's appeal against decision
26. Decision on a land owner's appeal
Part 6--Special rates and charges
27. Levying special rates or charges
28. Carrying special rates or charges forward to a later financial year
29. Surplus special rates or charges after plan is carried out
30. Surplus special rates or charges after plan is cancelled
31. Returning special rates or charges incorrectly levied
Part 7--Utility charges
32. Utility charges
33. Utility charges before facilities are constructed
34. Reading meters for utility charges
Part 8--Separate rates and charges
35. Levying separate rates or charges
Part 9--Levying and adjusting rates and charges
Division 1--Rate notices
36. Rate notice for rates or charges
37. Other amounts under rate notice
38. Entities to whom rate notice must be given
39. Issue of and period covered by rate notice
40. Electronic issue of rate notice
Division 2--Adjusting rates or charges
41. What div 2 is about
42. Land stops being rateable land
43. Change in unimproved value
44. Change in rating category
45. Special rates become or stop being payable
46. Loss of entitlement to occupy land from State
47. Rates or charges paid before adjustment
Division 3--Other matters about levying rates or charges
48. Limitation of increase in rates or charges levied
49. Rates or charges may be levied or adjusted after end of financial year
50. When rates or charges must be paid
Part 10--Concessions
51. Concession for rates or charges
52. Criteria for granting concession
53. Types of concession
54. Resolutions for granting concession
55. Special provision for rebate for land occupied by pensioners
56. Refund of rebated rates or charges already paid
57. Special provision for agreement to defer rates or charges
58. Special provision for agreement to accept land transfer
Part 11--Paying rates and charges
59. Who must pay rates and charges
60. Paying part of rates and charges
61. Paying rates or charges by instalments
62. Discount for prompt payment of rates or charges
63. Other benefits for prompt payment
Part 12--Overdue rates and charges
Division 1--General provisions
64. What are overdue rates or charges and when do they become overdue
65. Interest on overdue rates or charges
Division 2--Court proceedings for overdue rates or charges
66. Court proceedings for overdue rates or charges
67. Selling or acquiring land ends liability for overdue rates or charges
Division 3--Selling or acquiring land for overdue rates or charges
Subdivision 1--Preliminary
68. What div 3 is about
69. Reference to market value
Subdivision 2--Selling land for overdue rates or charges
70. Selling land that is subject to a State encumbrance
71. Selling land that is subject to other restrictions
72. Notice of intention to sell land for overdue rates or charges
73. When procedures for selling land must be started
74. Procedures for selling land
75. Conduct of auction
76. Procedures after sale of land to council
77. Application of proceeds of sale
78. Council's failure to comply with this subdivision
Subdivision 3--Acquiring land for overdue rates or charges
79. Application of sdiv 3
80. Requirements for notice of intention to acquire land
81. Time to start procedures to acquire
82. Acquisition procedures
Division 4--State pays overdue rates or charges
83. Satisfaction on termination of tenure
Part 13--The council's land record
Division 1--Land record
84. What pt 13 is about
85. Land record to be kept
86. Public may inspect land record
87. Amending a land record
88. Evidence of land record
Division 2--Review of decisions by QCAT to amend land record
89. Who may apply for review
90. Powers of QCAT on review
Division 3--Change in ownership of land
91. Definitions for div 3
92. Notice of change of owner of land for sale or other ownership changes for land
93. Council to record change of owner
94. Previous owner can continue to be liable to pay rates or charges
Part 1--General matters about financial management systems
95. Requirement to keep record of particular matters
Part 2--Financial management documents
Division 1--Annual budget
96. Preparation and content of the budget
97. Scrutiny of the budget
98. Adoption and amendment of the budget
99. Unauthorised spending for genuine emergency or hardship
Division 2--General purpose financial statement
100. Preparation of general purpose financial statement
Division 3--Community financial report
101. Preparation of community financial report
Division 4--Long-term financial forecast
102. Preparation of long-term financial forecast
Division 5--Asset register
103. Non-current physical assets to be recorded
Division 6--Revenue statement
104. Preparation of revenue statement
105. Revenue statement contents
Part 3--Planning and accountability documents
Division 1--Annual report
Subdivision 1--Preparation
106. Preparation of annual report
Subdivision 2--Contents
107. What sdiv 2 is about
108. General purpose financial statement
109. Community financial report
110. Relevant measures of financial sustainability
111. Resolutions
112. Councillors
113. Administrative action complaints
114. Overseas travel
115. Expenditure on grants to community organisations
116. Reserves and controlled roads
117. Other contents
Division 2--Corporate plan
118. Preparation of corporate plan
119. Corporate plan contents
Division 3--Annual operational plan
120. Preparation and adoption of annual operational plan
121. Annual operational plan contents
Division 4--Long-term community plan
122. What div 4 is about
123. Process for preparing a long-term community plan
124. Adoption of long-term community plan
125. Long-term community plan contents
126. Community engagement for reviewing long-term community plan
127. Changing long-term community plan
Division 5--Community engagement policy
128. Community engagement policy
Division 6--Financial plan
Subdivision 1--General requirements
129. Financial plan requirements and contents
Subdivision 2--Requirements for policies outlined in plan
130. Investment policy
131. Debt policy
132. Revenue policy
Division 7--Long-term asset management plan
133. Preparation of long-term asset management plan
Part 4--Community grants
134. Grants to community organisations
135. Community grants policy
Part 5--Spending
136. Entertainment and hospitality
137. Entertainment and hospitality policy
138. Advertising spending
139. Advertising spending policy
140. Procurement policy
Part 6--Public access to particular documents
141. Public access to relevant financial and planning documents
Part 7--Council's funds and accounts
Division 1--Trust fund
142. Trust fund
143. Transferring money to or from a trust fund
Division 2--Operating fund
144. Operating fund
145. Creating a reserve
146. Transfers to or from an operating fund reserve
Division 3--Discretionary funds
147. Requirements about discretionary funds—Act, s 106
Part 8--Accounting records
148. Accounting records for funds generally
149. Financial report
150. Statement of estimated financial position
Part 9--Asset accounting
151. Valuation of non-current physical assets
Part 10--Auditing
Division 1--Internal audit function
Subdivision 1--Internal auditing and reporting
152. Internal audit
153. Internal audit progress report
Subdivision 2--Audit committee
154. Establishment and composition of audit committee
155. Audit committee meetings
Division 2--External auditing
156. Auditing of general purpose financial statement by auditor-general
157. Presentation of auditor-general's report
Part 11--Other matters
158. Insurance
159. Notice of payment of notional GST
Part 1--Introduction
160. What ch 4 is about
Part 2--Strategic contracting procedures
161. What pt 2 is about
162. Power to choose strategic approach
163. Effect of choice
164. Contracting plans
165. Significant contracting plans
166. Contracting activities manual
Part 3--Default contracting procedures
Division 1--Introduction
167. What pt 3 is about
Division 2--Entering into particular contracts
168. What div 2 is about
169. Medium-sized contract—quotes needed first
170. Large-sized contract—tenders needed first
171. Valuable non-current asset contract—tenders or auction needed first
172. Tender process
Division 3--Exceptions for medium- and large-sized contracts
173. What div 3 is about
174. Exception if quote or tender consideration plan prepared
175. Exception for contractor on approved contractor list
176. Exception for register of pre-qualified suppliers
177. Exception for a preferred supplier arrangement
178. Exception for LGA arrangement
179. Other exceptions
Division 4--Exceptions for valuable non-current asset contracts
180. Exceptions for valuable non-current asset contracts
Part 4--Publishing details of particular contracts
181. Publishing details of contracts worth $100000 or more
Part 5--Other matters
182. Entering into a contract under a delegation
183. Amendment of annual budget for 2010-2011 financial year
184. Requirements for reporting complaints in annual report for 2010-2011
185. Long-term community plan
186. Regulation amended
187. Insertion of new s 13A
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