Queensland Subordinate Legislation as Made
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- Made under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
- As at 18 August 2017
- Reg 156 of 2017
Division 1 - General provisions
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Relationship with management instruments
Division 2 - Interpretation
4. Dictionary
5. References to particular licences, permits or authorities
6. References to a class of wildlife
7. Meaning of character of area
8. Scientific names
Division 1 - Types of relevant authorities that may be granted
9. Permits and authorities for taking etc. cultural or natural resources of protected area
10. Permits for conducting other activities in a protected area
11. Licences for animals other than in a protected area
12. Permits for animals other than in a protected area
13. Authorities for animals other than in a protected area
14. Licences for protected plants other than in a protected area
15. Permit for protected plants other than in a protected area
16. Authorities for protected plants other than in a protected area
Division 2 - Term for relevant authority
17. Term of relevant authority
18. Maximum term for permits and authorities for taking etc. cultural or natural resources of protected area
19. Maximum term for permits for conducting other activities in a protected area
20. Maximum term for licences for wildlife
21. Maximum term for permits for wildlife
22. Maximum term for authorities for wildlife
Division 3 - Obtaining relevant authority generally
Subdivision 1 - Application for relevant authority
23. General requirements for application
24. Particular applications must include request for record book or approval of electronic record system
Subdivision 2 - Considering and deciding application for relevant authority
25. Definitions for subdivision
26. Considering application
27. Chief executive’s power to require further information or document
28. Amending application
29. Fee payable for major amendments to particular applications
30. Chief executive may request public notice of application for protected area authority
31. Deciding application
32. Only suitable person can hold relevant authority
33. Relevant authority can not be granted if management instrument restricts the grant
34. Restriction on granting relevant authority for Aboriginal land protected area
35. Restriction on granting relevant authority for particular protected areas to which indigenous land use agreements apply
36. Steps to be taken after application decided
37. Continuing conditions of particular relevant authorities
Subdivision 3 - Renewing particular commercial activity permits
38. Definition for subdivision
39. Permit holder may ask for permit renewal
40. Existing permit continues in force until renewal request is decided
41. When chief executive may renew permit
42. When activities under a new permit are substantially the same as under an existing permit
43. Steps to be taken if chief executive renews permit
44. Step to be taken if chief executive refuses to renew permit
45. Information notice not required for existing permit
Subdivision 4 - Form of relevant authority
46. Form of authority generally
47. General matters to be stated on relevant authority
48. Additional matters to be stated on protected area authority
49. Additional matters to be stated on wildlife authority
Subdivision 5 - Camping tags
50. Chief executive must issue camping tags
Division 4 - Obtaining camping permit for e-permit camping area or self-registration camping area
Subdivision 1 - Camping notices and tags
51. E-permit camping areas
52. Self-registration camping areas
Subdivision 2 - When and extent to which permits granted
53. When camping permit for e-permit camping area taken to have been granted
54. Extent to which e-camping permit granted
55. When camping permit for self-registration camping area taken to have been granted
56. Extent to which self-registered camping permit granted
Division 5 - Amendment, suspension or cancellation of relevant authority
57. Minor amendments
58. Amendments by application
59. Non-immediate amendments other than by application—grounds
60. Non-immediate amendments other than by application—procedure
61. Immediate amendment or suspension of protected area authority for safety or conservation
62. Immediate amendment or suspension of wildlife authority for safety or conservation
63. Immediate amendment or suspension for failure to pay fee or royalty or give return
64. Non-immediate suspension or cancellation of relevant authority—grounds
65. Non-immediate suspension or cancellation of relevant authority—procedure
66. When holder of amended relevant authority must return authority
67. When holder of suspended relevant authority must return authority
68. When holder of cancelled relevant authority must return authority
Division 6 - Carrying out activities under relevant authority
69. Complying with conditions of relevant authority
70. Relevant authority or identification must be available for inspection
71. Display of relevant authority if animal displayed at particular places
Division 7 - Transfer of relevant authorities
Subdivision 1 - Transferable relevant authorities
72. Particular relevant authorities transferable
Subdivision 2 - Apiary permits
73. Transfer of apiary permits
Subdivision 3 - Joint marine park authority permits
74. Application to transfer
75. Considering application
76. Chief executive’s power to require further information
77. Decision on application
78. Steps after approval of transfer
Division 8 - Other provisions about relevant authorities
79. Requirement to notify chief executive of particular changes and ask for amendment
80. Replacing relevant authority
81. Surrendering relevant authority
82. Particular existing relevant authorities taken to be in force while new application is considered
Division 1 - Preliminary
83. Chief executive may enter into agreement
84. Restrictions on entering into agreement—conservation of protected area
85. Restrictions on entering into agreement—suitability of party
86. Restrictions on entering into agreement—insurance
87. Content of agreement
88. Mandatory conditions of agreement
Division 2 - Expression of interest process
89. Application of division
90. Invitation for expressions of interest
91. Requirements for expression of interest
92. Requirements for process
93. Chief executive may request further information
94. Amending expression of interest
95. Notice to unsuccessful submitters
Division 3 - Application process
96. Application of division
97. Applying for agreement
98. Matters to be considered for application
99. Chief executive may request further information
100. Amending the application
101. Chief executive may request public notice of application for commercial activity agreement
102. Negotiating application for agreement
103. Steps to be taken after application decided
Division 4 - Requirements applying to, and nature of, agreements
104. Term and review of agreements
105. Nature of agreement
Division 5 - Amendment, suspension and cancellation of agreement
106. Immediate amendment or suspension of agreement for safety or conservation
107. Non-immediate amendment of agreement—grounds
108. Non-immediate amendment of agreement—procedure
109. Non-immediate cancellation of agreement or suspension of authorisation under agreement—grounds
110. Non-immediate cancellation of agreement or suspension of authorisation under agreement—procedure
Division 6 - Transfer of authorisation under agreement
111. Application to transfer authorisation
112. Approval or non-approval of transfer
113. Giving effect to transfer
Division 7 - Requirement to have agreement or copy available for inspection
114. Agreement or copy must be available for inspection
Division 1 - Preliminary
115. Internal review process before external review
Division 2 - Internal review
116. Applying for an internal review
117. Internal review
118. Stay of operation of reviewable decision
Division 3 - External reviews by QCAT
119. Who may apply for external review
120. Extending time for application
121. Application of part
122. General powers for seized things
123. Tampering with seized thing
124. Particular seized things must be destroyed
125. Way seized thing must be kept
126. Notice for other seized things with market value of more than $500
127. Release of seized things
128. Procedure if seized thing for which notice given is not claimed and has market value of more than $500
129. Procedure for seized thing with market value of $500 or less
130. Application of proceeds of sale
131. Compensation not payable
132. Application of part
133. How records must be kept
134. Where records or copies must be kept
135. How long records or copies must be kept
136. General information that must be included in record
137. When record particulars to be included in record
138. Information must be complete, accurate and legible
139. Notice of theft, loss or destruction of, or damage to, record
140. Tampering with records
141. Application of part
142. Form and nature of return of operations
143. When return of operations must be given and the period for which they must be given
144. Information must be complete, accurate and legible
145. Way and how long return of operations must be kept
146. Notice of theft, loss or destruction of, or damage to, return
147. Tampering with return of operations
Division 1 - Fees payable
148. Definition for division
149. Fees generally
150. Additional fee for relevant wildlife authority—no sample taken
151. Additional fee for relevant wildlife authority—no implant inserted
152. Reduced application fee for commercial activity permits, organised event permits or commercial activity agreements
153. Reduced permit fee for commercial activity permits if equivalent fee paid under another Act
154. Reduced application fee for transfer of particular joint marine park authority permits if equivalent fee paid under another Act
155. Reduced additional daily fee for commercial activity or organised event permits if equivalent fee paid under another Act
156. Reduced fee for particular landholders
157. Reduced fee for particular wildlife authorities for protected plants
158. When particular fees payable
Division 2 - Exemptions generally
159. Exemption for camping permit granted to particular persons
160. Exemption for recreational wildlife harvesting licence for lizards granted to particular persons
161. Exemption for particular wildlife farming licences
162. Exemption for particular permits to keep wildlife
163. Exemption for particular collection authorities
Division 3 - Exemptions for particular activities directed at conservation
164. Application for exemption of fee
165. Deciding fee exemption application
166. Grant of exemption under fee exemption application
167. Refusal of exemption under fee exemption application
168. Effect of grant of exemption
Division 4 - Refund of fees
169. Refund of fees
170. Demerit points
171. Period for which particular documents must be kept
172. Particular approvals not transferable
173. Prescribed class—Act, s 130
174. Approved forms
175. Definitions for part
176. Relevant authorities and commercial activity agreements
177. Amendments and suspensions
178. Applications, invitations and notices
179. Applications for review
180. Entitlement to QCAT notice
181. Seized things
182. References to expired regulation
Division 1 - Amendment of Nature Conservation (Estuarine Crocodile) Conservation Plan 2007
183. Plan amended
184. Amendment of s 5 (Interpretation generally)
185. Amendment of schedule (Dictionary)
Division 2 - Amendment of Nature Conservation (Macropod Harvest Period 2017) Notice 2016
186. Notice amended
187. Replacement of s 5 (Conditions on taking or using harvest macropods)
188. Amendment of s 6 (Minimum area of skin)
189. Amendment of s 7 (Minimum weights)
190. Amendment of sch 3 (Dictionary)
Division 3 - Amendment of Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006
191. Regulation amended
192. Amendment of s 9 (Purpose of pt 1)
193. Replacement of s 14 (Wildlife authority must be for only 1 licensed premises or mobile facility)
194. Amendment of s 31 (Persons from whom holders may buy or accept wildlife)
195. Amendment of s 61 (Wholesalers may move dead protected animals)
196. Amendment of s 82 (Keeping and using animals authorised)
197. Amendment of s 91 (Giving return of operations)
198. Omission of ch 3, pt 3, div 3 (Commercial wildlife licence (mobile))
199. Amendment of s 112 (Restriction on grant of licence to children if weapons involved)
200. Amendment of s 114 (Taking, keeping and using particular animals authorised)
201. Amendment of s 115 (Way animal may be taken)
202. Amendment of s 116 (Dealing with carcass of animal taken under licence)
203. Amendment of s 117 (Keeping record)
204. Amendment of s 118 (Giving return of operations)
205. Amendment of s 120 (Restriction about animals for which licence may be granted)
206. Amendment of s 122 (Taking, keeping, processing and using particular animals authorised)
207. Amendment of s 123 (Way animal may be taken)
208. Amendment of s 124 (Dealing with carcass of animal taken under licence)
209. Amendment of s 125 (Giving return of operations)
210. Amendment of s 210 (Restriction about animals for which permit may be granted)
211. Amendment of s 220 (Restriction on grant of permit for particular mammals)
212. Amendment of s 316 (Purpose of ch 6)
213. Amendment of s 335 (Tags not to be used by unauthorised person)
214. Amendment of s 336 (Tampering with tags)
215. Amendment of s 351 (Conservation value for protected wildlife)
216. Amendment of sch 1 (Processed products)
217. Amendment of sch 5 (Dictionary)
Division 4 - Amendment of State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014
218. Regulation amended
219. Amendment of sch 1 (Infringement notice offences and fines for nominated laws)
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