South Australian Bills

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House of AssemblyNo. 35

[As laid on the table and read a first time, 11 July 2002]

South Australia

[Prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel]


A Bill For

An Act for the appropriation of money from the Consolidated Account for the year ending on 30 June 2003 and for other purposes.



1.Short title



4.Issue and application of money

5.Application of money if functions etc., of agency are transferred

6.Expenditure from Hospitals Fund

7.Appropriation, etc., in addition to other appropriations, etc.

8.Overdraft limit


Amounts proposed to be expended from the Consolidated Account

during the financial year ending 30 June 2003

The Parliament of South Australia enacts as follows:

Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act 2002.


2. This Act will be taken to have come into operation on 1 July 2002.


3. In this Act�

"administrative unit" means an administrative structure established under, or continued in existence by, the Government Management and Employment Act 1985 or the Public Sector Management Act 1995;

"agency" means a Minister, an administrative unit (including part of an administrative unit) or any other instrumentality or agency of the Crown.

Issue and application of money

4. (1) The Treasurer may, in accordance with this section on or before 30 June 2003, issue and apply money from the Consolidated Account for the purposes listed in the schedule.

(2) The aggregate of the amounts issued and applied by the Treasurer under subsection (1) and under the Supply Act 2002 for each of the purposes listed in the schedule must not exceed the amount set out opposite each of those purposes in that schedule.

(3) Money may be issued and applied under subsection (1) in respect of liabilities or financial commitments that were incurred or made before 1 July 2002.

Application of money if functions etc., of agency are transferred

5. If the schedule appropriates money for an agency and�

(a)some of the functions or duties of the agency are transferred to another agency; or

(b)the agency is abolished or dissolved and some or all of its functions or duties become the functions or duties of another agency,

the Treasurer may apply part or all of that money to enable the responsible agency to carry out those functions or duties.

Expenditure from Hospitals Fund

6. The Treasurer may issue and apply money from the special deposit account known as the "Hospitals Fund" for the provision, maintenance, development and improvement of public hospitals and equipment used in public hospitals.

Appropriation, etc., in addition to other appropriations, etc.

7. Money may be appropriated, issued or applied under this Act in addition to any money that may be appropriated, issued or applied under any other Act.

Overdraft limit

8. The overdraft limit for the purposes of section 16(3) of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987 is fifty million dollars.


Amounts proposed to be expended from the Consolidated Account

during the financial year ending 30 June 2003

Purpose of Appropriation


Estimates of 2002-03


Purchase of Outputs

Legislative Council .........................................................................................................................................

3 786 000

House of Assembly ........................................................................................................................................

5 906 000

Joint Parliamentary Services ...........................................................................................................................

6 393 000

Department of the Premier and Cabinet .........................................................................................................

144 481 000

Administered items for Department of the Premier and Cabinet ....................................................................

2 205 000

State Governor's Establishment .......................................................................................................................

2 253 000

South Australian Tourism Commission .........................................................................................................

45 444 000

Minister for Tourism�other items ..................................................................................................................

10 066 000

Auditor-General's Department ........................................................................................................................

9 283 000

Administered items for Auditor-General's Department ...................................................................................

820 000

Department of Treasury and Finance .............................................................................................................

36 292 000

Administered items for Department of Treasury and Finance .........................................................................

903 132 000

Department of Industry and Trade .................................................................................................................

157 525 000

Administered items for Department of Industry and Trade .............................................................................

1 590 000

Department of Primary Industries and Resources ...........................................................................................

103 461 000

Administered items for Department of Primary Industries and Resources .....................................................

85 915 000

Department of Justice .....................................................................................................................................

590 669 000

Administered items for Attorney-General's Department ..................................................................................

49 816 000

Administered items for the South Australian Police Department ....................................................................

4 105 000

Administered items for State Electoral Office .................................................................................................

200 000

Minister for Government Enterprises�other items ..........................................................................................

28 155 000

Minister for Police and Minister for Emergency Services�other items ............................................................

583 000

Department of Human Services .....................................................................................................................

1 427 610 000

Administered items for Department of Human Services .................................................................................

95 478 000

Minister for Social Justice�other items ...........................................................................................................

9 020 000

Department of Education and Children's Services and Department of Employment, Further Education, Science and Small Business....................................................................................................................

1 559 449 000

Administered items for Department of Education and Children's Services and Administered items for Department of Employment, Further Education, Science and Small Business........................................

120 780 000

Department for Environment and Heritage and Environment Protection Authority.........................................

90 733 000

Administered items for the Department for Environment and Heritage and Environment Protection Authority................................................................................................................................................

4 702 000

Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation ............................................................................

52 857 000

Administered items for Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation .......................................

16 538 000

Department of Transport and Urban Planning ..............................................................................................

196 791 000

Administered items for Department of Transport and Urban Planning ...........................................................

13 980 000

Administered items for Planning SA ...............................................................................................................

1 151 000

TransAdelaide ................................................................................................................................................

8 068 000

Minister for Local Government�other items ..................................................................................................

416 000

Department for Administrative and Information Services ...............................................................................

129 607 000

Office of Venue Management .........................................................................................................................

538 000

Minister for Industrial Relations�other items .................................................................................................

503 000

Total Purchase of Outputs ..............................................................................................................................

5 920 301 000

Purpose of Appropriation


Estimates of 2002-03


Equity Contributions

Department of Human Services....................................................................................................................

60 879 000

Department for Environment and Heritage and Environment Protection Authority......................................

45 000

Department of Transport and Urban Planning .............................................................................................

46 624 000

Department of Administrative and Information Services...............................................................................

21 345 000

Total Equity Contributions ..........................................................................................................................

128 893 000

Appropriated Borrowings

Department of Primary Industries and Resources .........................................................................................

1 000 000

Total Appropriated Borrowings ...................................................................................................................

1 000 000

Total Appropriation .....................................................................................................................................

6 050 194 000

By Authority: J. D. Ferguson, Government Printer, South Australia


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