South Australian Current Acts
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Long Title
PART 1--Preliminary
1. Short title
5. Interpretation
5AA. Aggravated offences
5A. Abolition of capital punishment
5B. Proof of lawful authority or lawful or reasonable excuse
5D. Abolition of historical classifications
PART 1A--Territorial application of the criminal law
5E. Interpretation
5F. Application
5G. Territorial requirements for commission of offence against a law of this State
5H. Procedural provisions
5I. Double criminality
PART 2--Treason
6. Repeal
7. Treason
8. Time within which prosecution shall be commenced and warrant issued
9. In informations more than one overt act may be charged
10. Nothing herein to affect 25 Edward III Stat. 5, c. 2
10A. Penalty for treason
PART 3--Offences against the person etc
Division 1--Homicide
11. Murder
12. Conspiring or soliciting to commit murder
12A. Causing death by an intentional act of violence
13. Manslaughter
13A. Criminal liability in relation to suicide
Division 1A--Criminal neglect etc
13B. Interpretation
14. Criminal neglect
14A. Failing to provide food etc in certain circumstances
Division 2--Defences
14B. Abolition of certain common law defences
15. Self defence
15A. Defence of property etc
15B. Reasonableness etc where offence committed in circumstances of family violence
15C. Requirement of reasonable proportionality not to apply in case of an innocent defence against home invasion
15D. Duress
15E. Sudden or extraordinary emergency
15F. Review of Division
Division 3--Miscellaneous
16. Petit treason
18. Abolition of year-and-a-day rule
Division 4--Unlawful threats
19. Unlawful threats
Division 5--Stalking
19AA. Unlawful stalking
Division 6--Serious vehicle and vessel offences
19AAB. Interpretation
19A. Causing death or harm by dangerous use of vehicle or vessel
19AB. Leaving accident scene etc after causing death or harm by careless use of vehicle or vessel
19ABA. Causing death or serious harm by careless use of vehicle or vessel
19AC. Dangerous driving to escape police pursuit etc
19AD. Street racing
19ADA. Extreme speed
19AE. Commissioner of Police to impose immediate licence disqualification or suspension following certain charges
19AF. Power of police to impose immediate licence disqualification or suspension for certain offences
19B. Alternative verdicts
Division 7--Assault
20. Assault
20AA. Causing harm to, or assaulting, certain emergency workers etc
20AB. Further offence involving use of human biological material
20AC. Alternative verdicts
Division 7AA--Choking etc in a domestic setting
20A. Choking, suffocation or strangulation in a domestic setting
Division 7A--Causing physical or mental harm
21. Interpretation
22. Conduct falling outside the ambit of this Division
23. Causing serious harm
24. Causing harm
25. Alternative verdicts
29. Acts endangering life or creating risk of serious harm
29A. Shooting at police officers
31. Possession of object with intent to kill or cause harm
Division 7AB--Special firearm offences
32. Possession of a firearm with intent to commit an offence
32AA. Discharge of firearms to injure etc
Division 7B--Throwing objects at vehicles
32A. Throwing objects at vehicles
32B. Alternative verdicts
Division 7C--Food and beverage spiking
32C. Spiking of food or beverages
Division 8--Female genital mutilation
33. Definitions
33A. Prohibition of female genital mutilation
33B. Removal of child from State for genital mutilation
Division 8A--Child marriage
34. Interpretation and application of Division
34A. Bringing child into State for marriage
34B. Removing child from State for marriage
34C. Consent no defence
Division 9--Kidnapping and unlawful child removal
38. Interpretation
39. Kidnapping
40. Unlawful removal of child from jurisdiction
Division 11--Rape and other sexual offences
46. Consent to sexual activity
47. Reckless indifference
48. Rape
48A. Compelled sexual manipulation
49. Unlawful sexual intercourse
50. Sexual abuse of a child
51. Sexual exploitation of person with a cognitive impairment
56. Indecent assault
57. Consent no defence in certain cases
57A. Power to take plea without evidence
58. Acts of gross indecency
59. Abduction of male or female person
60. Procuring sexual intercourse
61. Householder etc not to permit unlawful sexual intercourse on premises
Division 11A--Child exploitation material and related offences
62. Interpretation
63. Production or dissemination of child exploitation material
63AA. Production or dissemination of child-like sex dolls
63A. Possession of child exploitation material
63AAB. Possession of child-like sex dolls
63AB. Offences relating to websites
63B. Procuring child to commit indecent act etc
63C. Material to which Division relates
63D. Forfeiture
Division 11B--Institutional and out of home care child sexual abuse
64. Interpretation
64A. Failure to report suspected child sexual abuse
65. Failure to protect child from sexual abuse
Division 12--Sexual servitude and related offences
65A. Definitions
66. Sexual servitude and related offences
67. Deceptive recruiting for commercial sexual acts
68. Use of children in commercial sexual acts
Division 13--Miscellaneous sexual offences
68A. Abolition of crime of sodomy
69. Bestiality
72. Incest
Division 14--Procedure in sexual offences
72A. Former time limit abolished
73. Proof of certain matters
75. Alternative verdict on charge of rape etc
76. Corroborative evidence in certain cases
Division 15--Bigamy
78. Bigamy
79. Defences in cases of bigamy
Division 16--Abduction of children
80. Abduction of child under 16 years
Division 18--Concealment of birth
83. Concealment of birth
PART 3A--Offences relating to public order
83A. Interpretation
83B. Riot
83C. Affray
83CA. Information for terrorist acts
PART 3B--Offences relating to criminal organisations
Division 1--Participation in criminal organisation
83D. Interpretation
83E. Participation in criminal organisation
83F. Alternative verdicts
83G. Evidentiary
Division 2--Public places, prescribed places and prescribed events
83GA. Preliminary
83GB. Report of Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
83GC. Participants in criminal organisation being knowingly present in public places
83GD. Participants in criminal organisation entering prescribed places and attending prescribed events
83GE. Participants in criminal organisation recruiting persons to become participants in the organisation
83GF. Sentencing
83GG. Evidentiary
PART 3C--Protection for working animals
83H. Interpretation
83I. Causing death or serious harm etc to working animals
83J. Court may order compensation and other costs
83K. Enforcement of order for compensation etc
83L. Evidentiary
PART 3D--Explosives offences
83M. Interpretation
83N. Explosive devices
83O. Explosive substances, prescribed equipment or instructions
83P. Bomb hoaxes
PART 4--Offences with respect to property
84. Preliminary
85. Arson and other property damage
85A. Recklessly endangering property
85B. Special provision for causing bushfire
86. Possession of object with intent to damage property
86A. Using motor vehicle without consent
PART 4A--Computer offences
86B. Interpretation
86C. Meaning of unauthorised access to or modification of computer data
86D. Meaning of unauthorised impairment of electronic communication
86E. Use of computer with intention to commit, or facilitate the commission of, an offence
86F. Use of computer to commit, or facilitate the commission of, an offence outside the State
86G. Unauthorised modification of computer data
86H. Unauthorised impairment of electronic communication
86I. Possession of computer viruses etc with intent to commit serious computer offence
PART 5--Offences of dishonesty
Division 1--Preliminary
130. Interpretation
131. Dishonesty
132. Consent of owner
133. Operation of this Part
Division 2--Theft
134. Theft (and receiving)
135. Special provision with regard to land and fixtures
136. General deficiency
Division 3--Robbery
137. Robbery
Division 4--Money laundering and dealing in instruments of crime
138. Money laundering
138A. Dealing in instruments of crime
Division 5--Deception
139. Deception
Division 5A--Dishonest communication with children
139A. Dishonest communication with children
Division 6--Dishonest dealings with documents
140. Dishonest dealings with documents
Division 7--Dishonest manipulation of machines
141. Dishonest manipulation of machines
Division 8--Dishonest exploitation of advantage
142. Dishonest exploitation of position of advantage
Division 9--Miscellaneous offences of dishonesty
143. Dishonest interference with merchandise
144. Making off without payment
PART 5A--Identity theft
144A. Interpretation
144B. False identity etc
144C. Misuse of personal identification information
144D. Prohibited material
144E. Attempt offence excluded
144F. Application of Part
PART 5B--Cheating at gambling
144G. Interpretation
144H. Engaging in conduct that corrupts betting outcome of event
144I. Facilitating conduct that corrupts betting outcome of event
144J. Concealing conduct or agreement
144K. Use of corrupt conduct information or inside information for betting purposes
PART 6--Secret commissions
Division 1--Preliminary
145. Interpretation
Division 2--Unlawful bias in commercial relationships
146. Fiduciaries
147. Exercise of fiduciary functions
148. Unlawful bias
149. Offence for fiduciary to exercise unlawful bias
150. Bribery
Division 3--Exclusion of defence
151. Exclusion of defence
PART 6A--Serious criminal trespass
167. Sacrilege
168. Serious criminal trespass
169. Serious criminal trespass--non-residential buildings
170. Serious criminal trespass--places of residence
170A. Criminal trespass--places of residence
PART 6B--Blackmail
171. Interpretation
172. Blackmail
PART 6C--Piracy
173. Interpretation
174. Piracy
PART 6D--Offences relating to human remains
175. Interpretation
176. Application of Part
177. Offence to destroy etc human remains to pervert course of justice
178. Offence to defile etc human remains
179. Offence to fail to report find of or conceal human remains
180. Alternative verdicts
PART 7--Offences of a public nature
Division 1--Preliminary
237. Definitions
238. Acting improperly
239. General attempt offence excluded
240. Parliamentary privilege not affected
Division 2--Impeding investigation of offences or assisting offenders
241. Impeding investigation of offences or assisting offenders
Division 2A--Offences relating to providing false or misleading information to a court
241A. False or misleading information entered into electronic court management system
Division 3--Offences relating to judicial proceedings
242. Perjury and subornation
243. Fabricating, altering or concealing evidence
244. Offences relating to witnesses
245. Offences relating to jurors
246. Confidentiality of jury deliberations and identities
247. Harassment to obtain information about jury's deliberations
248. Threats or reprisals relating to persons involved in criminal investigations or judicial proceedings
Division 4--Offences relating to public officers
249. Bribery or corruption of public officers
250. Threats or reprisals against public officers
251. Abuse of public office
252. Demanding or requiring benefit on basis of public office
253. Offences relating to appointment to public office
Division 5--Escape, rescue and harbouring of persons subject to detention
254. Escape or removal from lawful custody
255. Harbouring or employing escapee etc
Division 6--Attempt to obstruct or pervert course of justice or due administration of law
256. Attempt to obstruct or pervert course of justice or due administration of law
Division 7--Criminal defamation
257. Criminal defamation
Division 8--Offences limited in relation to industrial disputes and restraint of trade
258. Offences limited in relation to industrial disputes and restraint of trade
PART 7A--Goods contamination and comparable offences
259. Interpretation
260. Unlawful acts of goods contamination or other acts prejudicing the health or safety of the public
261. Goods contamination unrelated to issues of public health and safety
PART 7B--Accessories
267. Aiding and abetting
PART 7C--Derivative liability for certain offences
267AA. Offence where unlawfully supplied firearm used in subsequent offence
PART 7D--Recruiting etc children to engage in certain criminal activities
267AB. Recruiting etc child for criminal activity
PART 8--Intoxication
267A. Definitions
268. Mental element of offence to be presumed in certain cases
269. Question of intoxication must be specifically raised
PART 8A--Mental impairment
Division 1--Preliminary
269A. Interpretation
269B. Distribution of judicial functions between judge and jury
269BA. Charges on which alternative verdicts are possible
Division 2--Mental competence to commit offences
269C. Mental competence
269D. Presumption of mental competence
269E. Reservation of question of mental competence
269F. What happens if trial judge decides to proceed first with trial of defendant's mental competence to commit offence
269G. What happens if trial judge decides to proceed first with trial of objective elements of offence
Division 3--Mental unfitness to stand trial
269H. Mental unfitness to stand trial
269I. Presumption of mental fitness to stand trial
269J. Order for investigation of mental fitness to stand trial
269K. Preliminary prognosis of defendant's condition
269L. Trial judge's discretion about course of trial
269M. What happens if trial judge decides to proceed first with trial of defendant's mental fitness to stand trial
269N. What happens if trial judge decides to proceed first with trial of objective elements of offence
Division 3A--Disposition of persons with mental impairment charged with summary and minor indictable offences
Subdivision 1--Principle on which court is to act
269NA. Principle on which court is to act
Subdivision 2--Making, variation and revocation of Division 3A orders
269NB. Division 3A orders
269NC. Court may direct defendant to surrender firearm etc
269ND. Variation or revocation of condition of Division 3A order
269NDA. Revision of Division 3A orders
Subdivision 3--Administrative detention for defendant released on licence under this Division
269NE. Administrative detention for defendant released on licence under this Division
269NF. Powers of police officers relating to persons in respect of whom an administrative detention order has been issued
Subdivision 4--Custody, supervision and care
269NG. Custody, supervision and care
Subdivision 5--Effect of supervening imprisonment on Division 3A order
269NH. Effect of supervening imprisonment on Division 3A order
Division 4--Disposition of persons declared to be liable to supervision under this Division
Subdivision 1--Principle on which court is to act
269NI. Principle on which court is to act
Subdivision 2--Making, variation and revocation of supervision orders
269O. Supervision orders
269OA. Court may direct defendant to surrender firearm etc
269P. Variation or revocation of supervision order
269Q. Report on mental condition of defendant
269R. Reports and statements to be provided to court
269T. Matters to which court is to have regard
269U. Revision of supervision orders
Subdivision 3--Continuing supervision orders
269UA. Application for continuing supervision
269UB. Continuing supervision orders
269UC. Variation or revocation of continuing supervision order
269UD. Appeal
Subdivision 4--Administrative detention for defendant released on licence under this Division
269UE. Administrative detention for defendant released on licence under this Division
269UF. Powers of police officers relating to persons in respect of whom an administrative detention order has been issued
Subdivision 5--Custody, supervision and care
269V. Custody, supervision and care
Subdivision 6--Effect of supervening imprisonment on an order under Division 4
269VA. Effect of supervening imprisonment
Division 4A--Interstate transfer of persons subject to supervision order
269VB. Interpretation
269VC. Informed consent
269VD. Transfer of persons from South Australia to another participating jurisdiction
269VE. Transfer of persons from participating jurisdiction to South Australia
Division 5--Miscellaneous
269W. Counsel to have independent discretion
269WA. Power to order examination etc in pre-trial proceedings
269X. Power of court to deal with defendant before proceedings completed
269Y. Appeals
269Z. Counselling of next of kin and victims
269ZA. Exclusion of evidence
269ZB. Arrest of person who escapes from detention etc
PART 9--Miscellaneous and procedure
Division 1--Punishment for certain common law offences
270. Punishment for certain offences
Division 2--Attempts
270A. Attempts
270AB. Attempted manslaughter
Division 3--Assaults with intent
270B. Assaults with intent
Division 4--Preparatory conduct
270C. Going equipped for commission of offence of dishonesty or offence against property
270D. Going equipped for commission of offence against the person
Division 5--Apprehension of offenders
271. General power of arrest
273. Judge's warrant for arrest of person charged
Division 14--Provision as to persons convicted of offence
329. Provision as to persons convicted of an offence
PART 12--Regulations
370. Regulations
SCHEDULE 11--Abolition of certain offences
Appendix 1
Legislative history
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