65—Application to the Registrar-General
An application to the Registrar-General must be in a form approved by the
Registrar-General and must be accompanied by—
(a) the
fee prescribed by regulation; and
(b) if
the application is for the cancellation of a primary plan—a plan that
delineates the outer boundaries of the primary parcel; and
(d) if
the plan includes a development lot or lots—
a schedule of lot entitlements in a form approved by the
Registrar-General setting out lot entitlements determined in accordance with
section 68 for the community lots and the development lot or lots; and
a certificate from a land valuer certifying that the
schedule of lot entitlements is correct (the Registrar-General may refuse to
accept the certificate if given more than six months before the application is
lodged); and
(e) such
other documentary material as the Registrar-General may require.