South Australian Current Acts
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ACT 2011
Long Title
PART 1--Preliminary
1. Short title
3. Interpretation
4. Early childhood services
5. Parts of Act not to apply in relation to certain services
6. Governing authority
7. Limitation of liability for volunteer members of governing authorities
8. Responsible authorities
9. Objects and principles
PART 2--Adoption of Education and Care Services National Law
10. Application of Education and Care Services National Law
11. Amendments to Law to maintain national consistency
12. Exclusion of legislation of this jurisdiction
13. Meaning of certain terms in Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia) for the purposes of this jurisdiction
13A. Working with children checks
14. Penalty at end of provision
15. Tabling of annual report
PART 3--Application of Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia) to residual early childhood services providers
16. Application of Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia) to residual early childhood services providers
17. Exemption from certain provisions of Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia)
PART 4--Administration
Division 1--The Minister
18. Functions of Minister
19. Ministerial directions
20. Power of delegation
Division 2--The Education and Early Childhood Services Registration and Standards Board of South Australia
Subdivision 1--The Board
21. Establishment of Board
22. Composition of Board
23. Conditions of membership
24. Casual vacancies
25. Allowances and expenses
26. Validity of acts
Subdivision 2--Registrars and staff
27. Registrars of Board
28. Staff of Board
Subdivision 3--Functions of Board
29. Functions of Board
30. Complaint made directly to Board to be referred to school
31. Committees
32. Power of delegation
Subdivision 4--Board's procedures
33. Board's procedures
34. Conflict of interest etc under Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability) Act 1995
35. Powers of Board in relation to witnesses etc
36. Principles governing proceedings
37. Representation at proceedings before Board
38. Costs
Subdivision 5--Financial matters, audit and annual report
39. Accounts and audit
40. Annual report
PART 5--Registration of schools
Division 1--Registers
41. Registers
Division 2--Registration on schools register
42. Schools to be registered
43. Registration on schools register
44. Board may impose conditions on registration
45. Certificates of registration
46. Removal from schools register
47. Board may cancel registration if education services not provided
48. Reinstatement on schools register
49. Endorsement of registration with approval to enrol full fee paying overseas students
50. Removal of endorsement
Division 3--Offences
51. Procurement of registration by fraud
52. Improper directions to another member of governing authority
53. Illegal holding out
Division 4--Review of registration
54. Review of registration
PART 6--Record keeping and information gathering
Division 1--Records to be kept by registered schools
55. Interpretation
56. Records to be kept by registered schools
Division 2--Information gathering
57. Board may require information
PART 7--Disciplinary proceedings
Division 1--Preliminary
58. Application of Part
59. Interpretation
60. Cause for disciplinary action
Division 2--Constitution of Board for purpose of proceedings
61. Constitution of Board for purpose of proceedings
Division 3--Proceedings before Board
62. Inquiries by Board as to matters constituting grounds for disciplinary action
63. Contravention etc of condition
64. Contravention of prohibition order
65. Register of prohibition orders
66. Variation or revocation of conditions imposed by Board
67. Further provisions as to proceedings before Board under this Part
PART 8--Enforcement
68. Authorised officers
69. Powers of authorised officers
70. Offence to hinder etc authorised officers
PART 9--Review and appeal
Division 1--Internal review
71. Internal review of certain decisions of Board
Division 2--Appeal
72. Right of appeal to District Court
73. Operation of order may be suspended
74. Variation or revocation of conditions imposed by District Court
PART 10--Miscellaneous
75. Use of certain terms or descriptions prohibited
76. Exemptions
77. Statutory declarations
78. False or misleading statement
79. Victimisation
80. Self-incrimination
81. Punishment of conduct that constitutes offence
82. Continuing offence
83. Offences by bodies corporate
84. General defence
85. Immunity of persons engaged in administration of Act
86. Application of fines
87. Confidentiality
88. Service
89. Evidentiary provision
90. Regulations
SCHEDULE 1--Education and Care Services National Law
SCHEDULE 1--Miscellaneous provision relating to interpretation
SCHEDULE 2--Powers of entry by search warrant
SCHEDULE 2--Modifications to Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia) for purposes of
SCHEDULE 3--Transitional provisions
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