49—Endorsement of registration with approval to enrol full fee paying
overseas students
(1) If the Board is
satisfied on application under this section that a registered school has
satisfied the requirements set out in the regulations for the purposes of this
subsection, the Board must endorse the school's registration with an approval
to enrol full fee paying overseas students.
(2) An application for
(a) must
be made in a manner and form determined by the Board; and
(b) may
be dealt with at the same time as an application for registration under this
Division; and
(c) must
be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
(3) An applicant for
endorsement must provide the Board with such further information as the Board
may reasonably require to determine the application.
(4) An
(a) may
be subject to such conditions as the Board thinks fit; and
(b) has
effect for the period specified by the Board in the endorsement.
(5) The Board may, by
notice in writing, on application by the school concerned—
(a) vary
the conditions of an endorsement by the addition, substitution or deletion of
1 or more conditions; or
extend the period during which the endorsement has effect.