57—Discrimination by associations on ground of race
(1) It is unlawful for
an association to discriminate—
against an applicant for membership on the ground of race—
by refusing or failing to admit the applicant to
membership, or to a particular class of membership, of the association; or
in the terms on which the applicant is, or may be,
admitted to membership, or to a particular class of membership; or
against a member of the association on the ground of race—
by refusing or failing to provide a particular service or
benefit to that member; or
in the terms on which a particular service or benefit is
provided to that member; or
by expelling that member from the association or
subjecting him or her to other detriment.
(2) This section does
not apply to a club established principally for the purpose of promoting
social intercourse between the members of a particular racial or ethnic group.