78—Discrimination in relation to superannuation
(1) Subject to
subsection (2), it is unlawful for a person who provides a superannuation
scheme or provident fund to discriminate against a person on the ground of
(a) by
providing a scheme or fund that discriminates or, if the other person were to
become a member of the scheme or fund, would discriminate, or require or
authorise discrimination, against the other person; or
(b) in
the manner in which the scheme or fund is administered,
except to the extent that—
(c) the
is based on actuarial or statistical data from a source
on which it is reasonable to rely; and
is reasonable having regard to the data and other
relevant factors; or
(d) if
no such actuarial or statistical data is available, the discrimination is
reasonable having regard to other relevant factors.
Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a superannuation scheme or
provident fund provided for employees—
(a) to
which the employer makes contributions; and
under which a greater number of the members (not including members who are no
longer employed by an employer who participates in the scheme or fund) reside
in any one other State or Territory than reside in this State.
(3) Subject to any
order of the Tribunal or a court in proceedings under this Act, nothing in
this section has the effect of rendering a superannuation scheme or provident
fund, or a provision of such a scheme or fund, void.