85ZE—Discrimination by educational authorities
(1) It is unlawful for
an educational authority to discriminate against a person—
(a) by
refusing or failing to accept an application for admission as a student; or
(b) in
the terms or conditions on which it offers to admit the person as a student.
(2) It is unlawful for
an educational authority to discriminate against a student—
(a) in
the terms or conditions on which it provides the student with education or
training; or
(b) by
denying or limiting access to a benefit provided by the authority; or
(c) by
expelling the student; or
(d) by
subjecting the student to other detriment.
(3) This section does
not apply to discrimination against a pregnant woman on the ground of
pregnancy in respect of participation in a particular activity or admission as
a student to a course requiring participation in a particular activity if the
woman is not, or would not be, able—
(a) to
perform adequately, and without endangering herself, the unborn child or other
persons, the activity; or
(b) to
respond adequately to situations of emergency that should reasonably be
anticipated in connection with the activity.
(4) This section does
not apply to discrimination on the ground of religious appearance or dress in
respect of participation in a particular activity if, by reason of the
person's appearance or dress, the person is not, or would not be, able—
(a) to
perform adequately, and without endangering himself or herself or other
persons, the activity; or
(b) to
respond adequately to situations of emergency that should reasonably be
anticipated in connection with the activity.
(5) This section does
not render unlawful an act of discrimination by an educational authority
administered in accordance with the precepts of a particular religion against
a student or potential student because the student or potential student
appears or dresses, or wishes to appear or dress, in a manner required by, or
symbolic of, a different religion.