21—Surrender of firearms etc when licence cancelled, suspended etc
(1) If, under this
Part or in prescribed circumstances, a person's firearms licence is cancelled
or suspended or an application by a person for renewal of a firearms licence
is refused, the person must surrender to the Registrar all firearms,
firearm parts, sound moderators and ammunition owned by or in the possession
of the person—
(a) if
served personally with notice of the cancellation, suspension or
refusal—immediately; or
(b) if
served with notice of the cancellation, suspension or refusal by registered
post—within 7 days of service of the notice.
Maximum penalty:
(a) in
the case of a firearm—$50 000 or imprisonment for 10 years;
(b) in
the case of a firearm part, sound moderator or ammunition—$20 000
or imprisonment for 4 years.
(2) If the firearms
that may be possessed or used by a licensee under a firearms licence are
limited under section 20 then the licensee must—
(a) if
served personally with notice of the variation of the licence, immediately
surrender to the Registrar—
any firearm, possession or use of which is no longer
authorised by the licence; and
any associated firearm parts, sound moderators and
owned by or in the possession of the person; or
(b) if
served with notice of the variation of the licence by registered post, within
7 days of service of the notice, surrender to the Registrar—
any firearm, possession or use of which is no longer
authorised by the licence; and
any associated firearm parts, sound moderators or
owned by or in the possession of the person.
Maximum penalty:
(a) in
the case of a firearm—$50 000 or imprisonment for 10 years;
(b) in
the case of a firearm part, a sound moderator or ammunition—$20 000
or imprisonment for 4 years.
(3) A person who is
required to surrender a firearm under this section must not use the firearm
for any purpose before surrendering it in accordance with this section.
Maximum penalty:
(a) in
the case of a prescribed firearm or a category C, D or H
firearm—$50 000 or imprisonment for 10 years;
(b) in
the case of any other kind of firearm—$20 000 or imprisonment for
4 years.
(4) In this
"associated firearm part, sound moderator and ammunition" means any
firearm part, sound moderator or ammunition that may be used in or in
connection with a firearm, the possession or use of which is no longer
authorised by the firearms licence, but does not include a firearm part, a
sound moderator or ammunition that may be used in or in connection with a
firearm, the possession or use of which continues to be authorised by the
person's licence.