3—Principles and objects of Act
(1) The underlying
principles of this Act are—
(a) to
confirm firearm possession and use as a privilege that is conditional on the
overriding need to ensure public safety; and
by imposing strict controls on the possession, use,
acquisition, supply and manufacture of firearms; and
by promoting the safe and responsible storage, transport
and use (whether for recreational or other purposes) of firearms; and
(c) to
facilitate a nationally consistent approach to the control of firearms.
(2) The objects of
this Act are as follows:
(a) to
ensure that the possession and use of automatic and self-loading firearms is
permitted only in strictly limited circumstances;
(b) to
establish an integrated licensing and registration scheme for all firearms;
(c) to
require each person who possesses or acquires a firearm or ammunition under
the authority of a licence or permit to have established a genuine reason to
possess or acquire the firearm or ammunition;
(d) to
provide strict requirements that must be satisfied in relation to firearms and
transactions and activities involving firearms, including requirements to
ensure the safe and secure storage and transport of firearms;
(e) to
reduce the number of firearms that are in unlawful possession in the community
through a general amnesty;
(f) to
prevent or restrict persons and organisations from accessing, possessing or
using firearms for criminal purposes;
(g) to
minimise the risk of persons becoming victims of crimes involving the use or
threatened use of firearms;
(h) to
minimise the risk of persons causing injury or harm (including psychological
harm) to themselves or others by the use or threatened use of firearms.