35—Powers following service of intervention order
(1) If a police
officer believes on reasonable grounds that, in conjunction with serving an
intervention order, it is necessary to arrest and detain the defendant in
custody for a short period to prevent the immediate commission of abuse
against a person protected by the order or to enable measures to be taken
immediately for the protection of a person protected by the order, the police
officer may arrest and detain the defendant in custody (without warrant)
(a) so
long as may be necessary to prevent the immediate commission of abuse against
a person protected by the order or to enable measures to be taken immediately
for the protection of a person protected by the order; or
6 hours or such longer period as is approved by the Court,
whichever is the lesser.
(2) The Court may, on
application by a police officer, extend a period of detention under
subsection (1) if satisfied that it is appropriate to do so in the
circumstances, but not so that the aggregate period of detention of the person
exceeds 24 hours.