34A—Confinement and other powers relating to involuntary inpatients
(1) This section
applies to a patient to whom an inpatient treatment order applies who is
present at, or has been admitted to, a treatment centre.
(2) Treatment centre
staff may take measures for the confinement of the patient, and exercise
powers (including the power to restrain the patient and otherwise use force in
relation to the patient), as reasonably required in the circumstances—
(a) for
carrying the inpatient treatment order applying to the patient into effect and
ensuring compliance with this Act; and
(b) for
the maintenance of order and security at the centre or the prevention of harm
or nuisance to others.
Subsection (2) has effect subject to Part 2 and the other provisions of
this Act and, in the case of staff other than the director, subject to the
directions of the director.