134I—Offence to hinder authorised trial or interfere with equipment
(1) A person who,
without reasonable excuse—
hinders or obstructs the undertaking of an authorised trial; or
interferes with any equipment or device relating to an authorised trial,
is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
(2) In proceedings for
an offence against subsection (1), it is a defence for the defendant to
prove that the defendant did not know, and could not reasonably have been
expected to have known, that the activity allegedly constituting the offence
would, in fact, hinder or obstruct the undertaking of an authorised trial, or
constitute interference with equipment or a device (as the case requires).
(3) Without limiting
the ways in which a person can interfere with equipment or a device, a person
will be taken to interfere with equipment or a device if the person interferes
with an electronic signal being sent to, or from, the equipment or device.