29—Sinking fund for major repairs and maintenance
If a retail shop lease provides for the establishment of a sinking fund to
fund provision for major items of repair or maintenance, the lease is taken to
include provision to the following effect:
(a) an
amount paid by the lessee towards the lessor's outgoings on account of those
major items of repair or maintenance is to be paid into the sinking fund;
(b) so
much of the balance standing to the credit of the sinking fund as remains
unexpended from time to time for a purpose for which the sinking fund was
established is to be held by the lessor in an interest bearing account;
amounts paid by the lessee for credit of the sinking fund, and the net
interest earned by the lessor on the sinking fund, must not be applied by the
lessor for a purpose other than payment of outgoings for which the sinking
fund was established;
(d) the
lessor is liable to contribute to the sinking fund any deficiency attributable
to a failure by the lessor or a predecessor in title of the lessor to comply
with paragraph (c).
The effect of paragraph (d) will be that a purchaser of the shop from the
lessor will have to ensure that the sinking fund has been properly
administered and maintained by the previous lessor because the incoming lessor
will be liable for any shortfall.