6—Composition of Board
(1) The Board consists
of 9 members appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the
Minister of whom—
(a) 6
must be veterinarians with primary registration; and
(b) 3
must be persons who are not veterinarians of whom—
1 must be a legal practitioner; and
1 must have skills, knowledge and experience in
accounting, business or finance; and
1 must have skills, knowledge and experience that the
Minister considers appropriate to enable the member to effectively carry out
the functions of the Board.
(2) In recommending
veterinarians with primary registration for appointment as members of the
Board, the Minister should, as far as reasonably practicable, endeavour to
ensure those veterinarians collectively have skills, knowledge and experience
in the following areas:
management or governance;
teaching of veterinary science;
government agencies responsible for biosecurity (whether State or
urban companion animal practice;
rural mixed or production animal practice;
(f) any
other area that the Minister considers appropriate to enable the member to
effectively carry out the functions of the Board.
(3) Before
recommending veterinarians with primary registration for appointment as
members of the Board, the Minister may consult with a prescribed peak body
representing the veterinary profession in the State.
(4) The members of the
Board referred to in subsection (1)(b)—
(a) must
not be, or have been, registered as a veterinarian; and
(b) must
not work in an area relating to, or have a material interest in,
veterinary services.
(5) The Minister must
appoint a member of the Board who is a veterinarian with primary registration
with management or governance skills, knowledge and experience as the Chair of
the Board, unless the Minister considers that it is appropriate to appoint
another member of the Board as the Chair of the Board.
(6) At least 2 of the
members of the Board must be women and at least 2 must be men.
(7) The Governor may
appoint a person to be a deputy of a member and a person so appointed may act
as a member of the Board in the absence of the member.
(8) The requirements
of qualification, skills, knowledge, experience and recommendation made by
this section in relation to the appointment of a member extend to the
appointment of a deputy of that member.