19—Enforcement of lien on goods under section 4(2)
(1) Any person
entitled to a lien under section 4 subsection (2) hereof may give to
the owner or occupier, his manager, or overseer, or leave for him at his
residence or place of business, or may send to him by registered letter to his
last known address, a notice in writing, demanding payment of the wages due to
him, and stating the amount thereof and the nature of the claim; and from the
giving or leaving of such notice such goods shall not be removed by the owner
or occupier, or any person on his behalf, from the land until the wages of
such person, to the extent of his lien, have been paid, or an agreement
permitting the removal of the goods shall have been made.
(2) Every such person
shall, within fourteen days after giving or leaving such notice, commence an
action to enforce his lien, otherwise such lien shall cease.