13—Prescribed information in small customer accounts for purposes of
section 26A(2)(da) of Act
For the purposes of section 26A(2)(da) of the Act, the following
provisions apply:
(a) the
gas entity must include in each account for gas charges sent to a small
customer for gas supply through a particular metered delivery point the
following information:
the customer's average daily consumption level, expressed
in megajoules, of gas supplied through the delivery point for the period to
which the account relates;
the customer's average daily consumption level, expressed
in megajoules, of gas supplied through the delivery point for each period
during the preceding 12 months in respect of which the customer was sent
by the entity an account for gas supply through the delivery point;
the average daily cost to the customer of gas supplied to
the customer through the delivery point during the period to which the account
(b) the
gas entity must also include in each account for gas charges sent to a small
customer the following statement:
For more information about energy efficiency, visit www.escosa.sa.gov.au or
call ........................ [telephone number as specified by the Commission
by written notice to the entity].