South Australian Current Regulations

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Schedule 1—Fees


In this Schedule—

emergency response vehicle has the same meaning as in regulation 15;

government authorised examiner means an authorised examiner who is—

            (a)         a police officer; or

            (b)         an employee in the Transport Department; or

            (c)         a person appointed as an authorised examiner by some public authority and approved by the Registrar;

level 1 fee means an administration fee of $10.00;

level 2 fee means an administration fee of $20.00;

level 3 fee means an administration fee of $31.00;

special purpose vehicle (type O) has the same meaning as in the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008 ;

special purpose vehicle (type T) has the same meaning as in the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008 ;

Transport Department premises , in relation to an examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of section 139(1)(d) of the Act, includes a place specified under section 139(4)(b)(ii) of the Act at which the motor vehicle is required to be produced for the purpose of the examination;

truck (type 1) has the same meaning as in the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008 .

2—Registration fee (section 24 of Act)


For registration of a heavy vehicle under section 24 of the Act for a period of 12 months—the registration fee prescribed by, or determined in accordance with, the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008 .


For registration of a motor vehicle (other than a heavy vehicle) under section 24 of the Act for a period of 12 months—the following registration fee:

            (a)         a motor bike


            (b)         a trailer


            (c)         a motor vehicle propelled other than by an internal combustion engine


            (d)         a commercial motor vehicle—

                  (i)         if the unladen mass of the vehicle does not exceed 1 000 kg and the vehicle is propelled by an internal combustion engine—

                        (A)         having 4 cylinders or less


                        (B)         having 5 or 6 cylinders


                        (C)         having 7 or more cylinders


                  (ii)         if the unladen mass of the vehicle exceeds 1 000 kg but does not exceed 1 500 kg


                  (iii)         if the unladen mass of the vehicle exceeds 1 500 kg


            (e)         a motor vehicle (other than a vehicle referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d)) propelled by an internal combustion engine—

                  (i)         having 4 cylinders or less


                  (ii)         having 5 or 6 cylinders


                  (iii)         having 7 or more cylinders



For registration of a motor vehicle under section 24 of the Act for a period of less than 12 months—the following registration fee:

            (a)         in the case of registration for 1, 2 or 3 quarters—an amount equal to the product of the number of quarters for which the vehicle is to be registered multiplied by 1/4 of the relevant registration fee for 12 months (as set out in a preceding subclause) plus a surcharge of—

                  (i)         in the case of registration for 1 quarter—5.625% of that product; or

                  (ii)         in the case of registration for 2 quarters—3.75% of that product; or

                  (iii)         in the case of registration for 3 quarters—1.875% of that product;

            (b)         in any other case—a fee equal to the product of the number of days for which the vehicle is to be registered multiplied by 1/365 of the relevant registration fee for 12 months (as set out in a preceding subclause) plus a surcharge of—

                  (i)         in the case of registration for less than 6 months—5.625% of that product; or

                  (ii)         in the case of registration for not less than 6 months but less than 9 months—3.75% of that product; or

                  (iii)         in the case of registration for not less than 9 months but less than 12 months—1.875% of that product.

3—Registration fee—renewal of registration under periodic payment scheme (section 24A of Act)

For renewal of registration of a motor vehicle pursuant to the periodic payment scheme under section 24A of the Act where periodic payments are made monthly—a registration fee of an amount equal to 1/3 of the registration fee for 1 quarter for a motor vehicle of the relevant kind (determined in accordance with clause 2(3)).

4—Administration fees (sections 24 and 24A of Act)

Administration fee (payable in addition to the registration fee) for—

            (a)         initial registration or re-registration of a motor vehicle under section 24 of the Act

level 3 fee

            (b)         renewal of registration of a motor vehicle under section 24 of the Act

level 1 fee

            (c)         renewal of registration pursuant to the periodic payment scheme under section 24A of the Act—

                  (i)         if payment is made monthly—per payment


                  (ii)         in any other case


5—Conditional registration (section 25 of Act)


For registration of a motor vehicle under section 25 of the Act—

            (a)         in the case of—

                  (i)         a heavy vehicle that is a special purpose vehicle (type O); or

                  (ii)         a heavy vehicle that is a special purpose vehicle (type T) (other than an emergency response vehicle or a vehicle that is used principally for the purpose of fire fighting and is fitted with fire fighting equipment),

a fee equal to the product of the number of quarters for which the vehicle is to be registered multiplied by 1 quarter of the amount that would be the registration fee for registration of the vehicle under section 24 of the Act for the financial year in which the registration is to take effect;

            (b)         in the case of a heavy vehicle that is a road train, B-double or a vehicle of a class referred to in regulation 19(f)—a fee equal to the registration fee that would be payable for registration of the vehicle under section 24 of the Act;

            (c)         in any other case—no fee.


Administration fee (payable whether or not a registration fee is payable under subclause (1)) for registration of a motor vehicle under section 25 of the Act—

            (a)         initial registration or re-registration of a motor vehicle

level 3 fee

            (b)         renewal of registration of a motor vehicle

level 1 fee


If a registration fee is payable for the registration of a motor vehicle under section 25 of the Act and the period of registration is less than 12 months, a surcharge of the amount prescribed in clause 2(3) is payable in addition to the registration fee and administration fee.

6—Transfer of registration


Administration fee for transfer of the registration of a motor vehicle

level 3 fee


Additional fee for late payment of the fee prescribed in subclause (1)


7—Cancellation of registration

Administration fee for cancellation of the registration of a motor vehicle

level 2 fee

8—Duplicate certificates of registration

Administration fee for the issue of a duplicate certificate of registration

level 2 fee

9—Registration details certificate

Administration fee for the issue of a registration details certificate (when issued on application by the owner of the motor vehicle)

level 2 fee

10—Permit to drive an unregistered motor vehicle

Administration fee for the issue of—

            (a)         a permit under section 16(1)(c)(i) of the Act

level 1 fee

            (b)         a permit under section 16(1)(c)(ii) of the Act

level 3 fee

11—Duplicate permit to drive an unregistered motor vehicle

Administration fee for the issue of a duplicate permit under section 16(12) of the Act

level 2 fee

12—Temporary configuration certificate for heavy vehicle

Administration fee for the issue of a temporary configuration certificate for a heavy vehicle

level 3 fee

13—Duplicate temporary configuration certificate for heavy vehicle

Administration fee for the issue of a duplicate temporary configuration certificate for a heavy vehicle

level 2 fee

14—Number allotment

Administration fee for variation or amendment of the number allotted to a motor vehicle (per vehicle)

level 3 fee

15—Number plates


Administration fee for the issue or replacement of—

            (a)         a single number plate or pair of number plates for a heavy vehicle


            (b)         a single number plate or pair of number plates for a motor vehicle other than a heavy vehicle


            (c)         a supplementary number plate for a bike rack



Administration fee (payable in addition to the fee prescribed in subclause (1)) for postal delivery of a number plate or plates

level 2 fee

16—Issue or reissue of trade plate


For the issue or reissue of a trade plate—

            (a)         in respect of a motor vehicle that has a gross vehicle mass exceeding 4 500 kg (other than a special purpose vehicle) ( Category A )—an annual fee of an amount equal to the fee that would be payable for registration for 12 months of a heavy vehicle that is a truck (type 1) with 2 axles and a gross vehicle mass exceeding 4 500 kg but not exceeding 12 000 kg;

            (b)         in respect of a motor vehicle that has a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 4 500 kg (other than a motor bike, trailer or special purpose vehicle) ( Category B )—an annual fee of an amount equal to the fee that would be payable for registration for 12 months of a motor vehicle referred to in clause 2(2)(d)(i) or 2(2)(e) that has 7 or more cylinders;

            (c)         in respect of a motor bike ( Category C )—an annual fee of an amount equal to the fee that would be payable for registration for 12 months of a motor bike;

            (d)         in respect of a trailer that has a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 4 500 kg ( Category D )—an annual fee of an amount equal to the fee that would be payable for registration for 12 months of a trailer;

            (e)         in respect of a special purpose vehicle ( Category E )—no fee.

If an application for the issue or reissue of a trade plate relates to more than 1 category of vehicle such that more than 1 fee becomes payable, then only the highest fee must be paid.


Administration fees (payable in addition to the fee prescribed in subclause (1))—

            (a)         on application for the issue of a trade plate

level 3 fee

            (b)         for allocation of a trade plate number on the issue of a trade plate (per plate)

level 2 fee


Administration fee (payable in addition to the fee prescribed in subclause (1)) on application for the reissue of a trade plate

level 1 fee

17—Supply of trade plate by Registrar

Administration fee for the supply of a trade plate by the Registrar


18—Issue of replacement trade plate

Administration fee on application for the issue of a new trade plate in lieu of a lost trade plate


19—Duplicate trade plate label or certificate of issue of trade plate

Administration fee for the issue of a duplicate trade plate label or duplicate certificate of issue of a trade plate

level 2 fee

20—Trade plate transfer

Administration fee payable on application for the transfer of a trade plate

level 3 fee

21—Trade plate surrender

Administration fee payable on surrender of a trade plate under section 70(5) of the Act

level 2 fee

22—Driver's licences


For the issue or renewal of a driver's licence—

            (a)         where the applicant is a person who as a result of their service in a naval, military or air force of His Majesty—


                  (i)         is totally or permanently incapacitated; or

                  (ii)         has lost a leg or foot; or

                  (iii)         receives under the law of the Commonwealth relating to repatriation a pension at the rate for total incapacity or a pension granted by reason of impairment of their power of locomotion at the rate of not less than 70% of the rate for total incapacity (per year)

            (b)         where the applicant is a pensioner entitlement card holder (per year)


            (c)         in any other case (per year)



The licence fee for a driver's licence issued or renewed for a period other than for full years is 1 quarter of the annual licence fee for each complete 3 months of the period for which the licence is issued or renewed.



            (a)         a person ceases to be a pensioner entitlement card holder; and

            (b)         the person holds a driver's licence that was issued or renewed on payment of a reduced fee,

the person must pay an additional fee of an amount that is equal to the difference between—

            (c)         the amount obtained by multiplying the number of complete 3 month periods in the unexpired period of the licence by 1 quarter of the annual fee paid for the issue or renewal of the licence; and

            (d)         the amount obtained by multiplying the number of complete 3 month periods in the unexpired period of the licence by 1 quarter of the annual fee that would have been payable for the issue or renewal of the licence if the person had not been a pensioner entitlement card holder.


For the purposes of subclause (3), the unexpired period of the licence commences on the day on which the person ceases to be a pensioner entitlement card holder.


Administration fee (payable in addition to the licence fee) for the issue or renewal of a driver's licence

level 2 fee


Administration fee (payable in addition to the fee prescribed in subclause (5)) where application for the issue of a driver's licence is made more than 6 months after the expiry of a previously held licence and the applicant was not, during the whole of the period of 6 months after the expiry of the previously held licence, disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver's licence

level 3 fee


In this clause—

pensioner entitlement card holder means a person who—

            (a)         holds a pensioner entitlement card issued under an Act or law of the Commonwealth; and

            (b)         is entitled, as the holder of such a card, to travel on public transport in this State at reduced fares;

reduced fee means the fee payable for the issue or renewal of a driver's licence where the applicant is a pensioner entitlement card holder.

23—Duplicate driver's licence

Administration fee for the issue of a duplicate driver's licence that bears a photograph of the holder

level 2 fee

24—Learner's permit


For the issue or renewal of a learner's permit for—

            (a)         1 year


            (b)         2 years


            (c)         3 years



Administration fee for the issue or renewal of a learner's permit (payable in addition to the permit fee)

level 2 fee

25—Duplicate learner's permit

Administration fee for the issue of a duplicate learner's permit

level 2 fee

26—Duplicate certificate of high powered vehicle exemption

Administration fee for the issue of a duplicate certificate of a high powered vehicle exemption

level 2 fee

27—Approved theoretical examination

For an approved theoretical examination

            (a)         examination fee


            (b)         administration fee (payable in addition to the examination fee)

level 2 fee

28—Practical driving tests conducted by government authorised examiners

For a practical driving test conducted by a government authorised examiner—

            (a)         booking fee

level 2 fee

            (b)         test fee—

                  (i)         for a test of up to, but not exceeding, 40 min duration


                  (ii)         for a test exceeding 40 min duration


            (c)         administration fee (payable in addition to the test fee)

level 2 fee

29—Other practical driving tests; final assessments

Booking fee, for notice to the Registrar of—


            (a)         a practical driving test; or

            (b)         a final assessment in a competence based training course for drivers of motor vehicles undertaken in accordance with the directions of the Registrar,

to be conducted by an authorised examiner other than a government authorised examiner

29A—Approved driver training course

For an approved driver training course—

            (a)         course fee


            (b)         administration fee (payable in addition to the course fee)

level 1 fee

30—Approved hazard perception tests

For an approved hazard perception test

            (a)         test fee


            (b)         administration fee (payable in addition to the test fee)

level 2 fee

31—Motor bike training courses

For a motor bike training course undertaken in accordance with the directions of the Registrar—

            (a)         training course fee—

                  (i)         for basic motor bike training preparatory to obtaining a motor bike learner's permit


                  (ii)         for advanced motor bike training preparatory to obtaining a motor bike driver's licence


            (b)         administration fee (payable in addition to the training course fee)

level 2 fee

32—Proficiency test for motor driving instructor's licence

For a proficiency test of an applicant for a motor driving instructor's licence—

            (a)         for a theory test

                  (i)         test fee


                  (ii)         administration fee (payable in addition to the test fee)

level 2 fee

            (b)         for a practical test conducted by a government authorised examiner—

                  (i)         test fee (per day)


                  (ii)         administration fee (payable in addition to the test fee)

level 2 fee

33—Motor driving instructor's licence

For the issue of a motor driving instructor's licence (per year)


34—Duplicate motor driving instructor's licence

Administration fee for the issue of a duplicate motor driving instructor's licence

level 2 fee

35—Appointment as authorised examiner

For appointment as an authorised examiner (other than a government authorised examiner)—

            (a)         authorised to conduct competence based driver training and assessment (per year)


            (b)         authorised to conduct Vehicle on Road Tests (per year)


36—Proficiency tests for authorised examiners


For a proficiency test, required by the Registrar, of an applicant for appointment as an authorised examiner in relation to the driving of motor vehicles with a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 4.5 t—

            (a)         practical training course test (per day)


            (b)         administration fee (payable in addition to the test fee)

level 2 fee


For a proficiency test, required by the Registrar, of an applicant for appointment as an authorised examiner in relation to the driving of motor vehicles with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 4.5 t—

            (a)         practical training course test (per day)


            (b)         administration fee (payable in addition to the test fee)

level 2 fee


For a training course for an authorised examiner whose appointment has been suspended, required by the Registrar for resumption of the appointment—

            (a)         training course (per day)


            (b)         administration fee (payable in addition to the training course fee)

level 2 fee

37—Lectures as to motor vehicle accidents and their causes

For attendance at a lecture conducted under regulation 56


38—Administration fee for issue of alcohol interlock scheme licence

Administration fee for the issue of a licence subject to mandatory alcohol interlock scheme conditions—for each month in the period for which the licence will be subject to alcohol interlock provisions (a part of a month being treated as a whole month)


39—Disabled person's parking permit

For the issue of a disabled person's parking permit—

            (a)         permit fee—

                  (i)         for 1 year or less


                  (ii)         for 2 years


                  (iii)         for 3 years


                  (iv)         for 4 years


                  (v)         for 5 years


            (b)         administration fee (payable in addition to the permit fee)

level 1 fee

40—Register searches etc


Administration fee for searching the register and supplying information—

            (a)         for manual search of archived information (per search)

level 3 fee

            (b)         for manual search of current information (per search)

level 3 fee

            (c)         for multiple searches where separate extracts of entries are not required

level 2 fee

            (d)         where the applicant prepares computer input data in a form acceptable to the Registrar (per search)

level 1 fee


Administration fee for an extract of an entry in the register

level 3 fee

41—Motor vehicle examinations


For an examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of completion of a report under regulation 13



A fee for an examination referred to in subclause (1) must be paid—

            (a)         in the case of an examination to be carried out by an authorised officer—on the registration of the vehicle; or

            (b)         in the case of an examination to be carried out by a police officer—prior to the examination.


For a basic examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of section 139(1)(d) of the Act to be carried out by a person authorised by the Registrar under section 139(10) of the Act



For a basic examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of section 139(1)(d) of the Act to be carried out by a police officer



For a basic examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of section 139(1)(d) of the Act to be carried out by an authorised officer at Transport Department premises



For a basic examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of section 139(1)(d) of the Act to be carried out by an authorised officer at a site other than Transport Department premises—

            (a)         fee for call out (per site visit)—$238.00; plus

            (b)         fee for examination (per vehicle)—$71.00.


For a comprehensive examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of section 139(1)(d) of the Act to be carried out by an authorised officer

$329.00 plus a booking fee of $29.00


For a further examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of section 139(1)(d) of the Act following a comprehensive examination referred to in subclause (7), to be carried out by an authorised officer

$44.00 plus a booking fee of $29.00


A fee for an examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of section 139(1)(d) of the Act must be paid—

            (a)         in the case of a fee specified in subclause (3), (5) or (6)(b)—on the registration of the vehicle; or

            (b)         in the case of a fee specified in subclause (4), (6)(a), (7) or (8)—prior to the examination.


If more than 1 fee becomes payable under subclauses (1) to (7) (inclusive) in respect of the examination of the same motor vehicle, only the higher or highest fee (as the case may be) must be paid.


A fee for an examination referred to in this clause to be carried out by a police officer must be paid to the South Australian Police Department.

42—Application for review of decision of Registrar

Administration fee payable on application for a review under section 98Z of the Act

level 3 fee

43—Dishonoured cheque or debit card or credit card transactions

Administration fee payable under section 138B of the Act

level 3 fee

44—Fees payable by insurer for emergency treatment

For the purposes of section 110(1) of the Act—

            (a)         the fee payable to a medical practitioner who renders emergency treatment is a fee equal to a level 3 fee;

            (b)         the fee payable to a nurse who renders emergency treatment is a fee equal to a level 2 fee;

            (c)         the amount payable to a person who conveys an injured person is an amount equal to one tenth of a level 1 fee for every kilometre that the person is conveyed.

45—Fees payable in connection with service of notices of disqualification


Administration fee payable under section 139BD of the Act



Service fee payable under section 139BD of the Act


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