120—Description of pipeline
The pipeline management plan must include a comprehensive description
(a) the
design for the pipeline, the route corridor in which the pipeline is to be
constructed, the pipeline's interface start and end positions, and the way in
which the pipeline is to be constructed; and
(b) the
matters agreed under regulation 102(a) relating to the design and
construction of the pipeline; and
(c) the
matters agreed under regulation 108(a) relating to the operation of the
pipeline; and
(d) the
compositions of petroleum that are to be conveyed through the pipeline when it
is operating; and
(e) the
safe operating limits for conveying those compositions through the pipeline.
An offence under regulation 106 is committed if a pipeline licensee fails
to inform the Minister of the exact route followed by the pipeline. This
information is to be given as soon as practicable after construction of the
pipeline is completed, but in any case, within 3 months after a consent
to operate the pipeline is granted.