Schedule 1—Transitional provisions
Part 1—Preliminary
In this Schedule—
Minister means the Minister for the time being administering the
Private Parking Areas Act 1986 ;
the revoked regulations means the Private Parking Areas Regulations 2001
Part 3—Transitional provisions
The "Code of notices, signs, road markings and other devices to denote areas,
parking spaces, conditions, limitations, restrictions or prohibitions relating
to private parking areas, private access roads or private walkways"
established by the Minister under regulation 15 of the revoked
regulations and published in the Gazette on 2 October 2003 ( Gazette
2.10.2003 p3688 ) as in force immediately before the commencement of these
regulations continues in force as a code established by the Minister under
regulation 14 of these regulations, subject to variation or revocation
under these regulations.