32—Oral fluid sample processes
(1) The following are
the procedures in accordance with which a sample of a test subject's oral
fluid must be taken and dealt with for the purposes of drug testing:
(a) the
authorised member must provide the test subject with the means by which the
test subject can provide the sample of oral fluid;
(b) when
the authorised member is satisfied that the test subject has provided a
satisfactory sample of the test subject's oral fluid, the member must place
the sample, in approximately equal proportions, in 2 containers suitable
for the purpose;
(d) each
container must contain a sufficient quantity of oral fluid to enable an
analysis to be made of the presence of a prescribed drug in the oral fluid;
(e) the
authorised member must then mark each container in a manner approved by the
Commissioner and seal each container;
(f) it
is the duty of the authorised member to take such measures as are reasonably
practicable in the circumstances to ensure that the sample is not adulterated
and does not deteriorate so as to prevent a proper analysis of the presence of
a prescribed drug in the oral fluid;
(g) the
authorised member must then complete a certificate in the approved form by
inserting the particulars required by the form, which must then be signed by
the member and the test subject;
(h) the
original of the signed certificate must then be sent to or retained on behalf
of the Commissioner;
a copy of the signed certificate must be delivered to the
test subject together with a written notice advising that a container
containing part of the oral fluid sample taken from the test subject and
marked with the identification number specified in the notice will be
available for collection by or on behalf of the test subject at a specified
(2) A test subject
must comply with all reasonable directions of an authorised member in
connection with the taking of an oral fluid sample and the signing of a
certificate under this regulation.