South Australian Current Regulations

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- under the Passenger Transport Act 1994


   PART 1--Preliminary

   1.      Short title
   3.      Interpretation
   4.      Definitions of chauffeured vehicle service and taxi service
   5.      Definition of Metropolitan Adelaide
   6.      Exclusions from definition of passenger transport service
   7.      Exclusions from definition of regular passenger service
   8.      Sections 27, 28 and 29 of Act not to apply in certain cases
   9.      Application of section 29 of Act--prescribed passenger services
   10.     Sections 39(3)(a), 40(5) and 40(6) of Act not to apply in Metropolitan Adelaide (Area B)
   11.     Section 52(1) of Act not to apply to transport services for animals

   PART 2--Accreditation

           Division 1--General passenger services

   12.     Operators--eligibility
   13.     Conditions
   14.     Periodical fees and returns

           Division 2--Drivers

   15.     Drivers--eligibility
   16.     Medical examination
   17.     Conditions
   18.     Duration of accreditation

           Division 3--Centralised booking services

   19.     Centralised booking services--eligibility
   20.     Conditions
   21.     Periodical fees and returns
   22.     Authorised officers--prescribed powers

           Division 4--General provisions relating to accreditations

   23.     Accreditations may be held jointly
   24.     Particulars in accreditation
   25.     Death or incapacity of accredited person
   26.     Duty of accredited person to furnish information
   27.     Inquiries by Minister
   28.     Defacing etc of accreditations
   29.     Delivery of accreditations
   30.     Issue of duplicate if accreditation lost etc
   31.     Renewals
   32.     Procedure for variation of an accreditation

   PART 3--Taxis

           Division 1--Taxi licences

   33.     Exceptions to sections 45 and 52 of Act
   34.     Suitability of vehicle
   35.     Prescribed kinds or grades of licences
   36.     Conditions of licences
   37.     Licence allocation procedure
   38.     Licences may be held jointly
   39.     Particulars in licence
   40.     Duty to notify Minister of changes in information
   41.     Death or incapacity of licence holder
   42.     Transfer of licences
   43.     Suspension or cancellation of licences
   44.     Duty of licence holder to furnish information
   45.     Inquiries by the Minister
   46.     Defacing etc and lending of licences
   47.     Delivery of licences
   48.     Issue of duplicate licence
   49.     Substitution of vehicle

           Division 2--Vehicles

   50.     Colour and markings

           Division 3--Taxi signs

   51.     Display of taxi signs by metropolitan taxis
   52.     Display of taxi signs by country taxis
   53.     Requirement for taxi sign to indicate when taxi not available for hire
   54.     Return of taxi signs
   55.     Unauthorised use of signs
   56.     Removal of signs
   57.     Loss or theft of signs
   58.     Company signs
   59.     Advertising

           Division 4--Taxi-meters and charges for hiring taxis

   60.     Requirement for country taxi to have meter
   61.     Requirements relating to meters
   62.     Action required when meter defective
   63.     Compulsory inspection of meters
   64.     Substitution of wheels or alteration of drive train
   65.     Offences relating to meters
   66.     Fees for testing of taxi-meter
   67.     Operation of meter by taxi driver
   68.     Charges for hiring taxis
   69.     Payment by electronic means for hiring of taxi
   70.     Non-cash payment surcharges for hiring taxis
   71.     Display of information relating to charges for hiring taxis

           Division 5--Provision of taxi services

   72.     Register of taxi-stands designated by Minister
   73.     Duty of taxi driver not to leave taxi unattended at taxi-stand
   74.     Duty to accept or continue hiring
   75.     Duty of taxi driver to take shortest route
   76.     Right to terminate or vary hiring
   77.     Multiple-hirings
   78.     Requirement to display no smoking signs in taxi

           Division 6--Security cameras

   79.     Interpretation
   80.     Accreditation of suppliers of security camera systems
   81.     Requirement to have approved security camera system fitted and operating
   82.     Offence to interfere etc with security camera system
   83.     Authorisation to download images
   84.     Steps to be followed in the event of an incident etc
   85.     Delivery of material to police station
   86.     General protection of recorded material
   87.     Storage and disposal of material
   88.     Requirement to display sign in taxi
   89.     Compulsory inspection of systems
   90.     Authorised activities

   PART 4--Conduct of drivers and general passenger issues

           Division 1--Provisions applying to drivers

   91.     General duties of driver of public passenger vehicle
   92.     Prohibition on overloading public passenger vehicle
   93.     Prohibition on carriage of passengers on certain portions of public passenger vehicle
   94.     Requirement to store passengers' luggage

           Division 2--Provisions applying to passengers and others

              Subdivision 1--General provisions

   95.     Duty to give name and address to driver
   96.     Riding in non-carriage area of vehicle
   97.     Interfering with or distracting driver of vehicle
   98.     Placement of luggage
   99.     No smoking in vehicle
   100.    Consumption and carriage of alcohol
   101.    Consumption of food or beverages
   102.    Use of seats etc
   103.    Objects protruding from vehicle
   104.    Boarding or alighting from vehicle in motion
   105.    Causing inconvenience in vehicles

              Subdivision 2--Provisions applying in relation to regular passenger services

   106.    Payment of fares and charges
   107.    Validation of tickets
   108.    Inspection or surrender of tickets
   109.    Possession of concession cards
   110.    Special provision for declared areas
   111.    Surrender of invalid ticket or card
   112.    Nuisances and annoyances
   113.    Alcohol at prescribed premises
   114.    Unoccupied seats
   115.    Occupying non-carriage areas in vehicle
   116.    Obstruction of passengers etc
   117.    Objects etc protruding from vehicle
   118.    Interference with equipment etc
   119.    Throwing of objects from vehicle etc
   120.    Unlawful boarding of vehicle
   121.    Prohibition of animals in vehicle
   122.    Carriage of bicycles and surfboards
   123.    Carriage of dangerous objects etc on vehicle
   124.    Reserved seat or space
   125.    Abandoned goods
   126.    Removal of goods
   127.    Motor vehicles etc
   128.    Pedal cycles, skateboards etc
   129.    Pedestrians
   130.    Duty of pedestrians at pedestrian crossings
   131.    Duty to comply with directions and obey signs
   132.    Rubbish and other abandoned property
   133.    Abandoned vehicles
   134.    Graffiti
   135.    Commercial activities
   136.    Behaviour of children in company of adults
   137.    Exclusion or removal of persons by authorised persons

           Division 3--Miscellaneous

   138.    Conditions of travel
   139.    Transit barring orders
   140.    Lost property

   PART 5--Vehicle standards and inspections

           Division 1--Vehicle standards

   141.    Maximum age of vehicles
   143.    Air conditioning

           Division 2--Inspections and reporting of accidents

   144.    Inspections
   145.    Prescribed scheme of maintenance for buses
   146.    Duty to facilitate inspections
   147.    Issue and display of inspection labels
   148.    Reporting of accidents involving taxis

   PART 6--Registration plates

   149.    Prescribed classes of vehicles
   150.    Defacing, lending and unauthorised use of registration plates
   151.    Seizure of registration plates unlawfully held
   152.    Surrender of registration plates
   153.    Loss or theft of registration plates

   PART 7--Miscellaneous

   154.    Minister may waive or refund fees
   155.    Minister may determine fares, charges etc for regular passenger services
   156.    Fares for passenger transport services (other than taxi services or regular passenger services)
   157.    SATSS Conditions of Use
   158.    SATSS Vouchers
   159.    Defences
   160.    Records to be kept by relevant providers during assessment periods
   161.    Preparation and lodgment of returns by relevant providers
   162.    Exemptions from point to point transport service transaction levy
   163.    Calculation of levy payable on estimated basis
   164.    Interest payable on default of payment of point to point transport service transaction levy
   165.    Codes of practice
   166.    Keeping of records
   167.    Minister may require various notices etc to be fitted
   168.    Power of Minister to dispense with certain requirements
   169.    Service
   170.    Evidentiary provision
           SCHEDULE 1--Taxi licence allocation procedure
           SCHEDULE 2--Maximum fares (metropolitan taxis)
           SCHEDULE 3--Certificate of inspection under section 54 of the Act
           SCHEDULE 4--Codes of practice
           SCHEDULE 5--Transitional provisions
           Legislative history

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