(1) A person must not
leave a motor vehicle unattended on prescribed premises except in an area set
aside for the parking of motor vehicles.
Maximum penalty: $750.
Expiation fee: $105.
(2) A person must not
abandon a motor vehicle on prescribed premises.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
Expiation fee: $160.
(3) An
authorised officer may remove a motor vehicle left or abandoned in
contravention of this regulation and, for that purpose, may enter the vehicle
(using such force as is reasonable in the circumstances) and drive it, or
arrange for it to be towed, driven or taken, to a convenient place.
(4) As soon as
practicable after removal of a motor vehicle, the authorised officer must give
the owner of the vehicle notice of the removal and of the place to which the
vehicle was removed.
(5) The notice may be
(a) by
post; or
(b) if
the identity or whereabouts of the owner is unknown—by publication in a
newspaper circulating generally in the State.
(6) If the owner of
the motor vehicle does not, within 1 month after such a notice is given,
pay all expenses in connection with the removal or custody of the vehicle and
of proceedings under this regulation, the Minister may sell it by public
auction and apply the proceeds as follows:
firstly, in payment of the costs of, and incidental to, the sale;
secondly, in payment of the costs of, and incidental to, the removal and
custody of the vehicle and of proceedings under this regulation;
thirdly, in payment of the balance to the owner.
(7) If, after
reasonable inquiry, the owner cannot be found, the balance must be paid to the
Treasurer as unclaimed money.