(1) The Minister may
determine (or vary) conditions of travel that will apply to persons on
regular passenger service vehicles or at prescribed premises in addition to
the provisions of these regulations.
(2) The Minister must
ensure that conditions of travel (or a variation to conditions of travel)
under subregulation (1) are published in the Gazette.
(3) A regular
passenger service operator may, with the approval of the Minister, determine
(or vary) conditions of travel that will apply to persons on regular passenger
service vehicles or at prescribed premises provided or controlled by the
(4) The operator must
ensure that conditions of travel (or a variation to conditions of travel)
under subregulation (3) are published in the Gazette.
(5) Conditions of
travel may include rules, procedures, prohibitions, restrictions or
limitations that are to apply to persons on regular passenger service vehicles
or at prescribed premises.
(6) A condition of
travel published in the Gazette will be taken to have been properly and
effectively brought to the notice of a person who buys a ticket for a regular
passenger service, travels on a regular passenger service vehicle or attends
at prescribed premises.
(7) The conditions of
travel known as the "State Transport Authority Conditions of Travel 1993"
(as varied), adopted by the State Transport Authority under the State
Transport Authority Act 1974 and in force immediately before the commencement
of the Passenger Transport Act 1994 , will, except to the extent of any
inconsistency with these or any other regulations, continue to apply as
conditions of travel for passengers on services provided as part of the
Adelaide Metro network (until superseded by new conditions of travel).