150—Defacing, lending and unauthorised use of registration plates
(1) A person must
deface, alter, mutilate or damage a registration plate; or
(b) lend
a registration plate to another person.
Maximum penalty: $750.
Expiation fee: $105.
(2) If a
registration plate becomes defaced or damaged so that the numbers, letters or
symbols on the plate are not distinctly legible, the person to whom it was
issued must deliver it to an authorised officer or the Minister.
Maximum penalty: $750.
Expiation fee: $105.
(3) A person must not,
on a public street, road or place, drive a vehicle to which there is fitted a
registration plate, or a plate the same as or closely resembling a
registration plate, unless the plate or sign is fitted to the vehicle with the
authority of the Minister.
Maximum penalty: $750.
Expiation fee: $105.