(1) The Minister may
determine (or vary) conditions of use for the South Australian Transport
Subsidy Scheme for—
(a) the
drivers and operators of taxi services or certain car hire services; and
centralised booking services; and
SATSS members.
(2) The Minister must
ensure that the SATSS conditions of use (or a variation to conditions of use)
under subregulation (1) are published in the Gazette.
(3) The
SATSS conditions of use may include rules, procedures, prohibitions,
restrictions or limitations that are to apply to accredited drivers,
operators, centralised booking services and SATSS members, including (but not
limited to)—
eligibility criteria for persons using the scheme; and
requirements for the carrying, presentation and verification of certain
identification cards determined by the Minister for the purposes of the
scheme; and
requirements relating to persons permitted to travel in taxis or certain hire
cars for a subsidised trip; and
rules about entering information on or in respect of a SATSS voucher; and
rules about the calculation and payment of fares; and
requirements relating to the issuing of receipts by drivers and the
information required on receipts; and
requirements for reporting any real or potential conflict of interest as
defined in the SATSS conditions of use.
(4) A SATSS member who
fails to comply with a SATSS condition of use is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
Expiation fee: $160.
(5) A driver of a taxi
or certain hire car, an operator of a taxi service or hire car service, or a
centralised booking service who fails to comply with a SATSS condition of use
in respect of that driver, operator or service is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
Expiation fee: $210.