The operator of a passenger transport service involving the use of 1 or more
buses must—
treat customers with politeness, courtesy, helpfulness and honesty; and
observe and promote truth in advertising; and
(c) deal
promptly and courteously with complaints by passengers and other members of
the public, and respond promptly to complaints directed from the Minister; and
employ only appropriately accredited drivers, of a general calibre capable of
meeting the needs of customers; and
ensure that drivers are aware of, and abide by, the code of practice for
drivers; and
promote customer awareness of any authorised star rating system for vehicles,
and indicate the rating of their vehicles in promotion material, and on the
vehicles; and
(g) keep
a vehicle as clean as possible when used for carrying passengers for hire or
reward; and
(h) not
engage in dishonest or dishonourable conduct in relation to a service, or in
relation to the accreditation, and not permit an employee or agent of the
operator to do so; and
at all times comply with policies determined by the
Minister directed at promoting service to the public; and
provide an area of off-street parking adequate to park the number of vehicles
under the control of the operator; and
provide an adequate area and standard of undercover maintenance facilities and
equipment in order to garage, service and maintain the vehicles used for the
purposes of the service, or else have ready access to an appropriate repair
workshop; and
monitor staff performance and assist in the provision of appropriate skill
enhancement training and promote the themes of courtesy, safety and
professional service among staff; and
ensure trip times that do not force drivers to travel in excess of lawful
speed limits and enable drivers to abide by any statutory limits on the
periods for which a person may drive a vehicle; and
ensure that all on and off road equipment is correctly maintained, is safe to
operate and is appropriately licensed as required; and
(o) have
regard to existing laws about not discriminating against a person because of
the person's sex, race, disability, age, marital status, sexuality or
pregnancy; and
(p) be
particularly sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities.
2—Small passenger vehicle operators
The operator of a passenger transport service involving the use of 1 or more
small passenger vehicles must—
treat customers with politeness, courtesy, helpfulness and honesty; and
observe and promote truth in advertising; and
(c) deal
promptly and courteously with complaints by passengers and other members of
the public, and respond promptly to complaints directed from the Minister; and
employ only appropriately accredited drivers, of a general calibre capable of
meeting the needs of customers; and
ensure that drivers are aware of, and abide by, the code of practice for
drivers; and
strive to keep a vehicle as clean as possible when used for carrying
passengers for hire or reward; and
(g) not
engage in dishonest or dishonourable conduct in relation to a service or in
relation to the accreditation, and not permit an employee or agent of the
operator to do so; and
(h) at
all times comply with policies determined by the Minister directed at
promoting service to the public; and
provide a standard pre-paid booking record to the public
where applicable, with clear conditions for deposits and payments; and
refund cancellations of bookings in full, or less deposit and costs
proportionate to the time elapsed between the time of booking and the time of
the booked service, subject to the customer having been advised of
cancellation costs in advance; and
(k) not
take bookings unless the operator is confident that the booking can be met;
monitor staff performance and assist in the provision of appropriate skill
enhancement training and promote the themes of courtesy, safety and
professional service among staff; and
ensure that a driver who has worked for more than 5 hours in another job
does not commence work as a driver without a break; and
ensure that all on and off road equipment is correctly specified and
maintained, is safe to operate and is appropriately licensed as required; and
(o) have
regard to existing laws about not discriminating against a person because of
the person's sex, race, disability, age, marital status, sexuality or
pregnancy; and
(p) be
particularly sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities; and
insofar as SATSS applies to the operator of the service—
comply with the SATSS conditions of use; and
take all necessary steps to ensure that SATSS vouchers
are not being fraudulently or inappropriately lodged; and
ensure that all SATSS vouchers are—
(A) thoroughly checked at the time of
presentation by the driver, to ensure that the driver has actually carried out
the work; and
(B) tagged and recorded in such a manner
that any information from that voucher can be accessed quickly and accurately;
(C) returned to the driver if there are any
obvious deletions or alterations, or if the voucher is not legible; and
(r) not
engage in conduct that may bring the passenger transport industry into
The operator of a taxi service must—
treat customers with courtesy, helpfulness and honesty; and
(b) keep
a vehicle as clean as possible when used for carrying passengers for hire or
reward; and
ensure that the vehicle is maintained to regulated standards of passenger
comfort and safety, and is mechanically and bodily sound; and
(d) deal
promptly and courteously with complaints, including those directed from the
Minister; and
prominently display on a vehicle information identifying the centralised
booking service to which it belongs and the credit facilities that are
accepted; and
(f) not
engage in dishonest or dishonourable conduct in relation to a service or in
relation to the accreditation, and not permit a driver to do so; and
(g) at
all times comply with policies determined by the Minister directed at
promoting service to the public; and
ensure that customers will have access to at least all credit facilities
authorised by the centralised booking service; and
ensure that a sufficient supply of credit vouchers is
available to the driver at the beginning of each shift; and
ensure that drivers are aware of the requirements of the relevant code of
practice for drivers; and
(k) not
leave the membership of a centralised booking service before the operator has
fulfilled all of their financial obligations to that service; and
(l) not
leave the membership of a centralised booking service before the operator has
fulfilled all of their obligations in respect of any disciplinary action
ordered by that service; and
comply with any requirements, policy or procedure issued by the centralised
booking service; and
comply with the SATSS conditions of use; and
ensure that all SATSS vouchers are—
thoroughly checked at the time of presentation by the
driver, to ensure that the driver has actually carried out the work; and
tagged and recorded in such a manner that any information
from that voucher can be accessed quickly and accurately; and
returned to the driver if there are any obvious deletions
or alterations, or if the voucher is not legible; and
only presented to the centralised booking service
affiliated with the taxi recorded on the voucher; and
(p) take
all necessary steps to ensure that SATSS vouchers are not being fraudulently
or inappropriately lodged; and
(q) not
engage in conduct that may bring the taxi industry into disrepute; and
(r) have
regard to existing laws about not discriminating against a person because of
the person's sex, race, disability, age, marital status, sexuality or
pregnancy; and
(s) be
particularly sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities; and
ensure that drivers are aware of the procedures to be followed in the event of
an incident that requires the downloading of material from a security
camera system, including where to take the taxi for that downloading to occur;
ensure that the Minister and the relevant centralised booking service are
informed when a security camera system is installed in the taxi, or
transferred to another taxi.
A taxi driver must—
treat all customers with courtesy, helpfulness and honesty, and pay particular
attention to the needs of children, older people and people with a disability;
(b) take
the shortest and/or most practicable route, unless the passenger requests
otherwise; and
observe the laws that relate to safe driving; and
(d) not
take drugs as a means of overcoming fatigue, ensure that they do not have any
concentration of alcohol in their blood while driving, and observe the laws
that relate to driving under the influence of drugs; and
readily accept all credit vouchers authorised by any relevant centralised
booking service; and
offer to put on the air conditioning on warm or hot days; and
accept all lawful requests for carriage, no matter what the distance; and
display current identification at all times inside the vehicle; and
keep the interior of the taxi clean and tidy; and
drive in a manner that will minimise wear and tear on the vehicle; and
(k) have
regard to existing laws about not discriminating against a person because of
the person's sex, race, disability, age, marital status, sexuality or
pregnancy; and
(l) be
particularly sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities; and
(m) be
honest, polite and patient in network communication and as far as possible,
cooperate in the efficient and responsive processing of network bookings; and
check the vehicle for lost property at the end of each shift; and
ensure that any relevant centralised booking service is notified if a mobile
telephone or other form of communications facility is installed in the taxi,
used in conjunction with the taxi or otherwise used to book the taxi; and
(p) not
accept a request for hire from a centralised booking service for taxis unless
it is accredited under Part 4 Division 3 of the Act; and
comply with the SATSS conditions of use; and
ensure that all SATSS vouchers are thoroughly checked at the time of
presentation by the passenger; and
(s) take
all necessary steps to ensure that SATSS vouchers are not being fraudulently
or inappropriately lodged; and
comply with any requirements, policy or procedure issued by the centralised
booking service, including any disciplinary action ordered by the centralised
booking service; and
(u) not
engage in dishonest or dishonourable conduct in carrying out their duties; and
not engage in conduct that may bring the taxi industry
into disrepute; and
(w) not,
if the driver has been issued a booking by the centralised booking service,
pass the booking onto another driver except through the booking service; and
assist other drivers with broken down or otherwise
disabled vehicles, particularly if the vehicle is carrying a passenger; and
check that a security camera system fitted to the taxi is operating correctly
before commencing a shift; and
(z) not
be available for hire, stand at a taxi-stand or accept a hiring if a
security camera system fitted to the taxi is not operating correctly; and
report any security related incident immediately if it is safe to do so; and
following a security related incident, comply with any direction of the
Minister, a police officer, an authorised officer or other officer, or another
person acting under the authority of the Minister.
5—General passenger service drivers
A general passenger service driver must—
treat customers with politeness, courtesy, helpfulness and honesty; and
observe the laws that relate to safe driving; and
ensure that they do not have any concentration of alcohol in their blood while
driving, and observe the laws that relate to driving under the influence of
drugs; and
strictly observe legal requirements relating to driving hours and rest
periods; and
drive defensively in the interests of general public safety; and
ensure that any destination sign is accurate; and
(g) be
sensibly and safely dressed when dealing with customers, in a manner that will
advance the image of the passenger transport industry; and
(h) have
regard to existing laws about not discriminating against a person because of
the person's sex, race, disability, age, marital status, sexuality or
pregnancy; and
be particularly sensitive to the needs of people with
disabilities; and
insofar as SATSS applies to the general passenger service driver—
comply with the SATSS conditions of use; and
ensure that all SATSS vouchers are thoroughly checked at
the time of presentation by the passenger; and
take all necessary steps to ensure that SATSS vouchers
are not being fraudulently or inappropriately lodged; and
(k) not
engage in conduct that may bring the passenger transport industry into
disrepute; and
(l) not
accept a request for hire from a centralised booking service unless it is
accredited under Part 4 Division 3 of the Act.
6—Centralised booking service operators
The operator of a centralised booking service must—
ensure that all customers and potential customers are treated in a courteous
manner, and that complaints or enquiries are handled efficiently, honestly,
responsibly and impartially; and
(b) not
knowingly allow vehicles with serious defects to use the service; and
(c) be
familiar with and comply with all regulations set down from time to time under
Commonwealth laws relating to radio and other forms of communication; and
ensure that all staff are adequately trained to carry out their respective
duties; and
ensure that there are sufficient customer service representatives on duty at
all times to enable each operator to acquire and record appropriate customer
information; and
ensure that procedures are fair and equitable in the allocation of bookings
and are non-discriminatory; and
ensure customer service representatives and dispatchers understand that it is
unlawful to discriminate against a person because of the person's sex, race,
disability, age, marital status, sexuality or pregnancy, and are particularly
sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities; and
ensure that an accredited driver operating within the service is aware of the
service's policies, initiatives or other matters relating to an efficient
service to its customers; and
ensure that drivers and operators are aware of, and abide
by, their respective codes of practice; and
comply with the SATSS conditions of use; and
(k) not
engage in conduct that may bring the passenger transport industry into
disrepute; and
(l) seek
at all times to foster service to the public and promote the passenger
transport industry as a whole; and
(m) at
all times observe and promote truth in advertising; and
(n) take
immediate disciplinary action against employees and drivers for serious
breaches of customer service requirements; and
(o) not
accept the operator of a taxi service into membership of the service unless
the operator has a clearance from the service that they have left, with a
decision regarding clearance to be finalised within 24 hours; and
(p) put
into place and observe a policy for transferring work to ensure that all taxi
customers are not disadvantaged; and
(q) keep
a record of all breaches of the relevant code of practice by taxi drivers or
general passenger service drivers (as the case requires) in a register, and
make that register available to the Minister, or to the driver, on request;
undertake public awareness and education regarding the use of vehicles
participating in the service; and
ensure that all SATSS vouchers are—
thoroughly checked at the time of presentation by the
driver, to ensure that the driver has actually carried out the work; and
tagged and recorded in such a manner that any information
from that voucher can be accessed quickly and accurately; and
returned to the operator if there are any obvious
deletions or alterations, or if the voucher is not legible; and
(t) take
all necessary steps to ensure that SATSS vouchers are not being fraudulently
or inappropriately lodged; and
(u) in
the case of a centralised booking service that provides a fleet
safety support service to taxis (other than taxis used to provide a
country taxi service)—
appoint a Security Liaison Officer in connection with the
installation and operation of security camera systems in taxis; and
provide a reasonable level of advice and assistance to
operators and drivers in connection with the operation and maintenance of
security camera systems installed in taxis; and
advise the relevant operator if a driver fails to comply
with a procedure for the operation and use of a security camera system fitted
in the taxi, or for the downloading of material or the provision of material
to the police or the Minister; and
on request, provide a driver with information on where
material can be downloaded from a security camera system fitted to a taxi
following a security related incident; and
maintain a register of taxis fitted with
security camera systems (including details of the registration number of the
taxi, the kind of system installed, and other information determined by the
Minister); and
ensure that any identification provided to a driver for
the driver to display or carry inside the vehicle (as required by these
regulations) is a true and accurate photograph of the driver; and
ensure that—
the operator of a passenger transport service does not
participate in the booking service unless the operator holds a current
accreditation under Part 4 Division 1 of the Act; and
any person who drives a vehicle for the purposes of a
passenger transport service that participates in the booking service holds a
current accreditation under Part 4 Division 2 of the Act.