36—Duty to give Minister notice before selling, installing or
maintaining ionising radiation apparatus in course of business
A person must not carry on a business to which this Subdivision applies unless
the person has given the Minister notice in writing that—
contains the full name and address of the person carrying on the business or,
in the case of a company, the name of the company and the address of its
registered office; and
states whether it is intended to hold a stock of ionising radiation apparatus,
and if so, what kind of apparatus is likely to be held, where it is likely to
be held and in what quantities; and
states whether any ionising radiation apparatus that is likely to be held in
stock is likely to be operable; and
states whether any person (whether the person carrying on the business or an
employee at the business) is likely to be called on to operate ionising
radiation apparatus in the course of carrying on the business; and
(e) if
ionising radiation apparatus is likely to be sold during the course of
carrying on the business—contains a statement setting out full details
of the kind of apparatus that is likely to be sold.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
Expiation fee: $500.