165—Testing of residual current devices
(1) A person with
management or control of a workplace must take all reasonable steps to ensure
that residual current devices used at the workplace are tested regularly by a
competent person to ensure that the devices are operating effectively.
Maximum penalty:
(a) In
the case of an individual—$3 600.
(b) In
the case of a body corporate—$18 000.
Expiation fee:
(a) In
the case of an individual—$432.
(b) In
the case of a body corporate—$2 160.
(2) The person must
keep a record of all testing of a residual current device (other than any
testing conducted daily) until the earlier of the following occurs:
(a) the
device is next tested;
(b) the
device is permanently removed from use.
Maximum penalty:
(a) In
the case of an individual—$1 250.
(b) In
the case of a body corporate—$6 000.
Expiation fee:
(a) In
the case of an individual—$144.
(b) In
the case of a body corporate—$720.