60—Managing risks to health and safety
(1) A
person conducting a business or undertaking must manage risks to health and
safety relating to a musculoskeletal disorder associated with a hazardous
manual task, in accordance with Chapter 3 Part 1.
WHS Act—section 19 (see regulation 9).
(2) In determining the
control measures to implement under subregulation (1), the person
conducting the business or undertaking must have regard to all relevant
matters that may contribute to a musculoskeletal disorder, including—
postures, movements, forces and vibration relating to the hazardous manual
task; and
(b) the
duration and frequency of the hazardous manual task; and
workplace environmental conditions that may affect the hazardous manual task
or the worker performing it; and
(d) the
design of the work area; and
(e) the
layout of the workplace; and
(f) the
systems of work used; and
(g) the
nature, size, weight or number of persons, animals or things involved in
carrying out the hazardous manual task.